63the previous menu) using the Up/Downbuttons, then press the button toFRQ½UP•Delete All:1. On the Delete menu, select Delete All andthen press the Right button.2. Using the Left/Right buttons, select YesWRGHOHWHDOO½OHV RUNo (to cancel andreturn to the previous menu).•Delete Selected:1. On the Delete menu, select DeleteSelected Files and then press the Rightbutton.2. Use the Up/Down/Left/Right buttonsWRORFDWHHDFK½OHWREHGHOHWHGDQGWKHQpress the EXWWRQWRPDUNWKH½OHIRUdeletion. An indicator will appear for each½OHWKDWLVPDUNHGIRUGHOHWLRQ 8VHWKH=RRPEXWWRQWRUHVL]HLPDJHLFRQVIRUHDV\viewing.)3. Press the button to delete the selected½OHV&KRRVHYesWRFRQ½UP½OHGHOHWLRQor No to return to the previous menu.The “ ²LQGLFDWRUPHDQVD½OHLVSUR-tected. File protection must be removed½UVWEHIRUHD½OHFDQEHGHOHWHG'HOHWLQJ½OHVZLOOFDXVH'32)VHWWLQJVto be reset.