11BEFORE YOU STARTPreface7KDQN\RXIRUSXUFKDVLQJ*(GLJLWDOFDPHUDV3OHDVHUHDGWKLVPDQXDOFDUHIXOO\DQGNHHSLWLQDsafe place for future reference.Copyright© Copyright 2007 General Imaging Company Allrights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval sys-tem, or translated into any language or computerlanguage, in any form, by any means, withoutthe prior written permission of General ImagingCompany.Trademarks$OOWUDGHPDUNVPHQWLRQHGLQWKLVPDQXDODUHXVHGIRULGHQWL½FDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\DQGPD\EHSURS-erties of their respective owners.Safety informationPlease read the following important informationcarefully before using the product.'RQRWWDNHDSDUWRUDWWHPSWWRVHUYLFHWKHcamera yourself.'RQRWGURSRUNQRFNWKHFDPHUD,PSURSHUhandling may damage the product.7XUQRȖWKHFDPHUDEHIRUHLQVHUWLQJRUUHPRYLQJthe battery and memory card.• Use only the type of battery and charger thatcame with your camera. Using other types ofbatteries or chargers may damage the cameraand invalidate the warranty.• When using Li-ion batteries in this product,ensure that they are inserted correctly. Insertingthe batteries upside down can cause damage toWKHFDPHUDDQGSRVVLEO\VWDUWD½UH• Do not touch the camera lens.