7979Connecting to a PictBridge compatible printerPictBridge allows printing imagesfrom a memory card in a digitalcamera directly to a printer,regardless of brand.7R½QGRXWLIDSULQWHULV3LFW%ULGJHFRPSDW-LEOHVLPSO\ORRNIRUWKH3LFW%ULGJHORJRRQWKHSDFNDJLQJRUFKHFNWKHPDQXDOIRUVSHFL½FD-tions.With the PictBridge function on yourcamera, you can print the captured photosdirectly with a PictBridge compatible printerusing the supplied USB cable, without theneed for a PC.Setting the USB modeSince the camera’s USB port can be set toconnect with either a PC or a Printer, thefollowing steps will allow you to ensure thatWKHFDPHUDLVFRUUHFWO\FRQ½JXUHGWRFRQQHFWwith a Printer.1. Press the button and use Up/Down toselect USB Connect, and then press theRight navigation button.2. Use Up/Down to select Printer.3. Press the EXWWRQWRFRQ½UPWKHVHWWLQJ(YHU\WLPHWKHFDPHUDLVSRZHUHGRȖthe USB Mode will automatically revertEDFNWR3&PRGH