65TrimThe trim setting allows you select an area ofWKHSKRWR\RXZDQWWRNHHSDQGWKHQVDYHLWas a new photo.To trim a picture:1. Select the Trim setting from thePlayback menu as described previously.2. Using the Left/Right buttons, locate thephoto that you want to crop and have itdisplayed on the LCD.8VHWKH]RRPVFUROOZKHHODQGQDYLJDWLRQEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHWULPPLQJER[WR½WWKHORFDWLRQDQGVL]HRIWKHQHZSLFWXUH4. Press the Shutter button to save what yousee on the LCD screen as a new picture, orthe button to cancel and return to thePlayback menu.Resize7KLVVHWWLQJDOORZV\RXWRUHVL]HSLFWXUHWRDVSHFL½HGUHVROXWLRQDQGVDYHLWDVDQHZpicture.1. Select the Resize setting from thePlayback menu as described previously.