2929$GYDQFHGIXQFWLRQPHQX TXLFNPHQXVHWXSWB (White Balance)The white balance allows the user to adjustWKHFRORUWHPSHUDWXUHXQGHUGLȖHUHQWOLJKWsource to ensure faithful color reproduction.(The WB setting is only available when thecamera is in the Manual mode).To set the white balance, do the following:1. Press the button to enter the FunctionPHQX0DNHVXUHWKHWB function isselected.2. Use Up/Down navigation buttons toselect the setting you want. The followingoptions are available:• Auto• Daylight• Cloudy• Fluorescent• Fluorescent CWF• Incandescent• Manual WB adjustment (press themenu button to set)3. Use the Left/Right buttons to selectother options, or press the buttonRQFHWRFRQ½UP\RXUVHOHFWLRQDQGH[LWWKHcurrent menu.