GE Multilin D60 Line Distance Protection System 7-77 COMMANDS AND TARGETS 7.2 TARGETS7• A RELAY OUT OF SERVICE event is recorded.b) MAJOR SELF-TEST ERROR MESSAGESThe major self-test errors are outlined in this section.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: Module hardware failure detected.• How often the test is performed: Module dependent.• What to do: Contact the factory and supply the failure code noted in the display. The “xxx” text identifies the failed mod-ule (for example, F8L).• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: One or more installed hardware modules is not compatible with the D60 order code.• How often the test is performed: Module dependent.• What to do: Contact the factory and supply the failure code noted in the display. The “xxx” text identifies the failed mod-ule (for example, F8L).• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: The configuration of modules does not match the order code stored in the D60.• How often the test is performed: On power up. Afterwards, the backplane is checked for missing cards every five sec-onds.• What to do: Check all modules against the order code, ensure they are inserted properly, and cycle control power. Ifthe problem persists, contact the factory.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A FlexLogic equation is incorrect.• How often the test is performed: The test is event driven, performed whenever FlexLogic equations are modified .• What to do: Finish all equation editing and use self tests to debug any errors.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: The PRODUCT SETUP INSTALLATION RELAY SETTINGS setting indicates the D60 is not pro-grammed.• How often the test is performed: On power up and whenever the PRODUCT SETUP INSTALLATION RELAY SETTINGSsetting is altered .• What to do: Program all settings and then set PRODUCT SETUP INSTALLATION RELAY SETTINGS to “Programmed”.MODULE FAILURE___:Contact Factory (xxx)INCOMPATIBLE H/W:Contact Factory (xxx)EQUIPMENT MISMATCH:with 2nd line detailFLEXLOGIC ERROR:with 2nd line detailUNIT NOT PROGRAMMED:Check Settings