GE Multilin D60 Line Distance Protection System H-5APPENDIX H H.1 CHANGE NOTESH5- 5- Add Added new CyberSentry security section and main menu, local passwords, session settings,restore defaults, and supervisory subsections to Chapter 55- 5- Update Changed main menu for Pilot schemes to add POTT1 and submenu descriptions6-1 6-1 Update Update Actual Values main menu to include Real Time Clock Synchronization submenu6- 6-7 Add Added new section for Real Time Clock synchronizing consisting of the menu of settings and thesetting descriptions6-11 6-11 Delete Deleted section 6.2.19 Ethernet Switch6- 6-11 Add Added new section 6.2.20 Remaining Connection Status7- 7-1 Add Added Security command to the Commands main menu7- 7-3 Add Added Reboot Relay command and description to the Relay Maintenance menu items7- 7- Add Added Security menu and submenu commands and descriptions to the Command menu7- 7- Add Added to Minor self-test error message **Bad PTP Signal**8- 8-4 Add Added new section for CyberSentry software option with overview and security menu subsectionsA- A- Add Added FlexAnalog item PTP–IRIG-B Delta to Table A-1: FlexAnalog Data ItemsB-8 B-8 Update Updated Modbus memory map table to include port 0 for Modbus slave address, TCP, DNP,HTTP, TFTP, MMS, and removed references to COM 1 RS485 portC-23 C-23 Update Updated tables in sections C.6.3 ACSI Services Conformance Statement and C.7.1 LogicalNodes TableTable H–7: MAJOR UPDATES FOR D60 MANUAL REVISION Y1 (Sheet 3 of 3)PAGE(X2)PAGE(Y1)CHANGE DESCRIPTION