5-234 G30 Generator Protection System GE Multilin5.8 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS 5 SETTINGS5• Setting REMOTE IN 1 DEFAULT STATE to “Latest/On” freezes the input in case of lost communications. If the latest state isnot known, such as after relay power-up but before the first communication exchange, the input will default to logic 1.When communication resumes, the input becomes fully operational.• Setting REMOTE IN 1 DEFAULT STATE to “Latest/Off” freezes the input in case of lost communications. If the latest state isnot known, such as after relay power-up but before the first communication exchange, the input will default to logic 0.When communication resumes, the input becomes fully operational.For additional information on GSSE/GOOOSE messaging, refer to the Remote Devices section in this chapter.5.8.7 REMOTE DOUBLE-POINT STATUS INPUTSPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS REMOTE DPS INPUTS REMOTE DPS INPUT 1(5)Remote double-point status inputs are extracted from GOOSE messages originating in the remote device. Each remotedouble point status input must be programmed to replicate the logic state of a specific signal from a specific remote devicefor local use. This functionality is accomplished with the five remote double-point status input settings.• REM DPS IN 1 ID: This setting assigns descriptive text to the remote double-point status input.• REM DPS IN 1 DEV: This setting selects a remote device ID to indicate the origin of a GOOSE message. The range isselected from the remote device IDs specified in the Remote devices section.• REM DPS IN 1 ITEM: This setting specifies the required bits of the GOOSE message.The configurable GOOSE dataset items must be changed to accept a double-point status item from a GOOSE dataset(changes are made in the SETTINGS COMMUNICATION IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION RECEPTION CONFIGURABLE GOOSE CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1(16) CONFIG GSE 1 DATASET ITEMS menus). Datasetitems configured to receive any of “GGIO3.ST.IndPos1.stV” to “GGIO3.ST.IndPos5.stV” will accept double-point statusinformation that will be decoded by the remote double-point status inputs configured to this dataset item.The remote double point status is recovered from the received IEC 61850 dataset and is available as through the RemDPSIp 1 BAD, RemDPS Ip 1 INTERM , RemDPS Ip 1 OFF, and RemDPS Ip 1 ON FlexLogic operands. These operands can then beused in breaker or disconnect control schemes.5.8.8 REMOTE OUTPUTSa) DNA BIT PAIRSPATH: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS REMOTE OUTPUTS DNA BIT PAIRS REMOTE OUTPUTS DNA- 1(32) BIT PAIRRemote outputs (1 to 32) are FlexLogic operands inserted into GSSE/GOOSE messages that are transmitted to remotedevices on a LAN. Each digital point in the message must be programmed to carry the state of a specific FlexLogic oper-and. The above operand setting represents a specific DNA function (as shown in the following table) to be transmitted. REMOTE DPS INPUT 1REM DPS IN 1 ID:RemDPS Ip 1Range: up to 12 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE REM DPS IN 1 DEV:Remote Device 1Range: Remote Device 1 to Remote device 16MESSAGE REM DPS IN 1 ITEM:NoneRange: None, Dataset Item 1 to Dataset Item 32MESSAGE REM DPS IN 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled REMOTE OUTPUTS DNA- 1 BIT PAIRDNA- 1 OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogic operandMESSAGE DNA- 1 EVENTS:DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledNOTE