B-38 G30 Generator Protection System GE MultilinB.4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIX BBGenerator Unbalance (Read/Write Grouped Setting)66F0 Generator Unbalance Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)66F1 Generator Unbalance Source 0 to 5 --- 1 F167 0 (SRC 1)66F2 Generator Unbalance Inom 0 to 1.25 pu 0.001 F001 80066F3 Generator Unbalance Stage 1 Pickup 0 to 100 % 0.01 F001 80066F4 Generator Unbalance Stage 1 K value 0 to 100 --- 0.01 F001 10066F5 Generator Unbalance Stage 1 Tmin 0 to 50 s 0.001 F001 25066F6 Generator Unbalance Stage 1 Tmax 0 to 1000 s 0.1 F001 600066F7 Generator Unbalance Stage 1 K Reset 0 to 1000 s 0.1 F001 240066F8 Generator Unbalance Stage 2 Pickup 0 to 100 % 0.01 F001 30066F9 Generator Unbalance Stage 2 Pickup Delay 0 to 1000 s 0.1 F001 5066FA Generator Unbalance Block 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 066FC Generator Unbalance Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)66FD Generator Unbalance Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)66FE Reserved (3 items) 0 to 65535 --- 1 F001 0Stator Ground Source (Read/Write Grouped Setting)670A Stator Ground Source 0 to 5 --- 1 F167 0 (SRC 1)Stator Ground (Read/Write Grouped Setting)6720 Stator Ground Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)6721 Stator Ground Stage 1 Pickup 0 to 0.9 pu 0.001 F001 1506722 Stator Ground Stage 1 Pickup Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 1006723 Stator Ground Stage 1 Supv 0.001 to 0.1 pu 0.0001 F001 576724 Stator Ground Stage 2 Pickup 0 to 0.9 pu 0.001 F001 1506725 Stator Ground Stage 2 Pickup Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 06726 Stator Ground Stage 2 Supv 0.001 to 0.1 pu 0.0001 F001 456727 Stator Ground Block 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 06729 Stator Ground Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)672A Stator Ground Event 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)672B Reserved (5 items) 0 to 65535 --- 1 F001 0Split Phase Protection (Read/Write Grouped Setting)6730 Split Phase Protection Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)6731 Split Phase Protection Source 0 to 5 --- 1 F167 0 (SRC1)6732 Split Phase Protection Load Source 0 to 5 --- 1 F167 0 (SRC1)6733 Split Phase Protection Phase A Pickup 0.02 to 1.500 pu 0.001 F001 2006734 Split Phase Protection Phase A Offset 0 to 1 pu 0.001 F001 06735 Split Phase Protection Phase A Slope 0 to 100 % 0.1 F001 06736 Split Phase Protection Phase B Pickup 0.02 to 1.500 pu 0.001 F001 2006737 Split Phase Protection Phase B Offset 0 to 1 pu 0.001 F001 06738 Split Phase Protection Phase B Slope 0 to 100 % 0.1 F001 06739 Split Phase Protection Phase C Pickup 0.02 to 1.500 pu 0.001 F001 200673A Split Phase Protection Phase C Offset 0 to 1 pu 0.001 F001 0673B Split Phase Protection Phase C Slope 0 to 100 % 0.1 F001 0673C Split Phase Protection Minimum Load 0 to 1 pu 0.01 F001 0673D Split Phase Protection Mode 0 to 1 --- 1 F225 0 (Over)673E Split Phase Protection Delay 0 to 65.535 s 0.001 F001 0673F Split Phase Protection Block 0 to 4294967295 --- 1 F300 06741 Split Phase Protection Target 0 to 2 --- 1 F109 0 (Self-Reset)6742 Split Phase Protection Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)6743 Reserved (6 items) 0 to 65535 --- 1 F001 0Phase Undervoltage (Read/Write Grouped Setting) (3 modules)7000 Phase Undervoltage 1 Function 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)7001 Phase Undervoltage 1 Signal Source 0 to 5 --- 1 F167 0 (SRC 1)7002 Phase Undervoltage 1 Pickup 0 to 3 pu 0.001 F001 10007003 Phase Undervoltage 1 Curve 0 to 1 --- 1 F111 0 (Definite Time)Table B–10: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 30 of 60)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT