GE Multilin L30 Line Current Differential System 6-76 ACTUAL VALUES 6.2 STATUS6• CHANNEL 1(2) STATUS: This represents the receiver status of each channel. If the value is “OK”, the 87L current dif-ferential element is enabled and data is being received from the remote terminal; If the value is “FAIL”, the 87L elementis enabled and data is not being received from the remote terminal. If “n/a”, the 87L element is disabled.• CHANNEL 1(2) LOST PACKETS: Current, timing, and control data is transmitted to the remote terminals in data pack-ets at a rate of two packets per cycle. The number of lost packets represents data packets lost in transmission; thiscount can be reset through the COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS menu.• CHANNEL 1(2) LOCAL LOOPBACK STATUS: The result of the local loopback test is displayed here.• CHANNEL 1(2) REMOTE LOOPBACK STATUS: The result of the remote loopback test is displayed here.• CHANNEL 1(2) LOOP DELAY: Displays the round trip channel delay (including loopback processing time of theremote relay) computed during a remote loopback test under normal relay operation, in milliseconds (ms).• CHANNEL 1(2) ASYMMETRY: The result of channel asymmetry calculations derived from GPS signal is being dis-played here for both channels if CHANNEL ASYMMETRY is “Enabled”. A positive “+” sign indicates the transit delay in thetransmitting direction is less than the delay in the receiving direction; a negative “–” sign indicates the transit delay inthe transmitting direction is more than the delay in the receiving direction. A displayed value of “0.0” indicates thateither asymmetry is not present or can not be estimated due to failure with local/remote GPS clock source.• VALIDITY OF CHANNEL CONFIGURATION: The current state of the communications channel identification check,and hence validity, is displayed here. If a remote relay ID number does not match the programmed number at the localrelay, the “FAIL” value is displayed. The “n/a” value appears if the local relay ID is set to a default value of “0” or if the87L element is disabled. Refer to SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP L90 POWER SYSTEM section for more information• PFLL STATUS: This value represents the status of the phase and frequency locked loop (PFLL) filter which uses tim-ing information from local and remote terminals to synchronize the clocks of all terminals. If PFLL STATUS is “OK”, theclocks of all terminals are synchronized and 87L protection is enabled. If it is “FAIL”, the clocks of all terminals are notsynchronized and 87L protection is disabled. If “n/a”, then PFLL is disabled.At startup, the clocks of all terminals are not synchronized and the PFLL status displayed is “FAIL”. It takesup to 8 seconds after startup for the value displayed to change from “FAIL” to “OK”.6.2.11 DIGITAL COUNTERSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS DIGITAL COUNTERS DIGITAL COUNTERS Counter 1(8)The present status of the eight digital counters is shown here. The status of each counter, with the user-defined countername, includes the accumulated and frozen counts (the count units label will also appear). Also included, is the date andtime stamp for the frozen count. The COUNTER 1 MICROS value refers to the microsecond portion of the time stamp.6.2.12 SELECTOR SWITCHESPATH: ACTUAL VALUES STATUS SELECTOR SWITCHES DIGITAL COUNTERS Counter 1Counter 1 ACCUM:0MESSAGE Counter 1 FROZEN:0MESSAGE Counter 1 FROZEN:YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SSMESSAGE Counter 1 MICROS:0 SELECTOR SWITCHESSELECTOR SWITCH 1POSITION: 0/7Range: Current Position / 7MESSAGE SELECTOR SWITCH 2POSITION: 0/7Range: Current Position / 7NOTE