GE Multilin L30 Line Current Differential System 10-110 COMMISSIONING 10.1 TESTING1010 COMMISSIONING 10.1TESTING 10.1.1 CHANNEL TESTINGThe communications system transmits and receives data between two or three terminals for the 87L function. The systemis designed to work with multiple channel options including direct and multiplexed optical fiber, G.703, and RS422. Thespeed is 64 Kbaud in a transparent synchronous mode with automatic synchronous character detection and CRC insertion.The Local Loopback Channel Test verifies the L30 communication modules are working properly. The Remote LoopbackChannel Test verifies the communication link between the relays meets requirements (BER less than 10 –4 ). All tests areverified by using the internal channel monitoring and the monitoring in the Channel Tests. All of the tests presented in thissection must be either OK or PASSED.1. Verify that a type “W” module is placed in slot ‘W’ in both relays (e.g. W7J).2. Interconnect the two relays using the proper media (e.g. single mode fiber cable) observing correct connection ofreceiving (Rx) and transmitting (Tx) communications paths and turn power on to both relays.3. Verify that the Order Code in both relays is correct.4. Cycle power off/on in both relays.5. Verify and record that both relays indicate In Service on the front display.6. Make the following setting change in both relays: GROUPED ELEMENTS GROUP 1 CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL ELE-MENTS CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL CURRENT DIFF FUNCTION: “Enabled”.7. Verify and record that both relays have established communications with the following status checks:ACTUAL VALUES STATUS CHANNEL TESTS CHANNEL 1 STATUS: “OK”ACTUAL VALUES STATUS CHANNEL TESTS CHANNEL 2 STATUS: “OK” (If used)8. Make the following setting change in both relays: TESTING TEST MODE: “Enabled”.9. Make the following setting change in both relays:TESTING CHANNEL TESTS LOCAL LOOPBACK TEST LOCAL LOOPBACK CHANNEL NUMBER: "1"10. Initiate the Local Loopback Channel Tests by making the following setting change:TESTING CHANNEL TESTS LOCAL LOOPBACK TEST LOCAL LOOPBACK FUNCTION: "Yes"Expected result: In a few seconds “Yes” should change to “Local Loopback Test PASSED” and then to “No”, signify-ing the test was successfully completed and the communication modules operated properly.11. If Channel 2 is used, make the following setting change and repeat Step 10 for Channel 2 as performed for channel 1:TESTING CHANNEL TESTS LOCAL LOOPBACK TEST LOCAL LOOPBACK CHANNEL NUMBER: "2"12. Verify and record that the Local Loopback Test was performed properly with the following status check:ACTUAL VALUES STATUS CHANNEL TESTS CHANNEL 1(2) LOCAL LOOPBACK STATUS: "OK"13. Make the following setting change in one of the relays:TESTING CHANNEL TESTS REMOTE LOOPBACK TEST REMOTE LOOPBACK CHANNEL NUMBER: "1"14. Initiate the Remote Loopback Channel Tests by making the following setting change:TESTING CHANNEL TESTS REMOTE LOOPBACK REMOTE LOOPBACK FUNCTION: "Yes"Expected result: The “Running Remote Loopback Test” message appears; within 60 to 100 sec. the “Remote Loop-back Test PASSED” message appears for a few seconds and then changes to “No”, signifying thetest successfully completed and communications with the relay were successfully established. The“Remote Loopback Test FAILED” message indicates that either the communication link quality doesnot meet requirements (BER less than 10 –4 ) or the channel is not established – check the communi-cations link connections.15. If Channel 2 is used, make the following setting change and repeat Step 14 for Channel 2 as performed for Channel 1:TESTING CHANNEL TESTS REMOTE LOOPBACK TEST REMOTE LOOPBACK CHANNEL NUMBER: "2"16. Verify and record the Remote Loopback Test was performed properly with the following status check:ACTUAL VALUES STATUS CHANNEL TESTS CHANNEL 1(2) REMOTE LOOPBACK STATUS: "OK"