11-8 L30 Line Current Differential System GE Multilin11.3 UNINSTALL AND CLEAR FILES AND DATA 11 MAINTENANCE11 11.3UNINSTALL AND CLEAR FILES AND DATA 11.3.1 UNINSTALL AND CLEAR FILES AND DATAThe unit can be decommissioned by turning off power to the unit and disconnecting the wires to it.Files can be cleared after uninstalling the EnerVista software or UR device, for example to comply with data security regu-lations.On the computer, settings files can identified by the .urs extension. To clear the current settings file, create a default set-tings file, write it to the relay, then delete all other .urs files. For the existing installation, upgrading the firmware overwritesthe flash memory. Other files can be in standard formats, such as COMTRADE or .csv.You cannot erase directly the flash memory, but all records and settings in that memory can be deleted. Do this using theSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP CLEAR RELAY RECORDS command.