GE Multilin L30 Line Current Differential System B-85APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGBF248ENUMERATION: BRICK AUX BANK ORIGINF253ENUMERATION: BRICK TRANSDUCER ORIGINF256ENUMERATION: BRICK ORIGIN/DESTINATIONF259ENUMERATION: BRICK RTD TYPE0 = 100 Ohm Nickel, 1 = 120 Ohm Nickel, 2 = 100 Ohm PlatinumF260ENUMERATION: DATA LOGGER MODE0 = Continuous, 1 = TriggerF261ENUMERATION: BANK REDUNDANCY TYPE0 = None, 1 = Dependability Biased, 2 = Security BiasedF262ENUMERATION: BRICK STATUS0 = Disabled, 1 = OK, 2 = Communications Trouble, 3 = Equip-ment Mismatch, 4 = Brick TroubleF270ENUMERATION: FAULT REPORT VT SUBSTITUTIONF300UR_UINT32: FLEXLOGIC BASE TYPE (15-bit type)The FlexLogic BASE type is 14 bits and is combined with a 17-bitdescriptor and 1 bit for the protection element to form a 32-bitvalue. The combined bits are of the form:PTTTTTTTTTTTTTTDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, where P bit ifset indicates that the FlexLogic type is associated with a protectionelement state and D represents bits for the type in F124 format. IfP bit is not set, then the T represents bits for the type and D repre-sents range.The values in square brackets indicate the base type with P prefix[PTTTTTTTTTTTTTT] and the values in round brackets indicatethe descriptor range. The left-most D bit indicates whether the typeis an ON or OFF type. There can be a total 65535 BASE type ele-ments, 131071 protection element IDs, and 16383 element states.There can be a total of 65535 descriptors of each type.[0] Off (0) – This is boolean FALSE value[1] On (1) – This is boolean TRUE value[2] CONTACT INPUTS (1 to 96)[3] CONTACT INPUTS OFF (1 to 96)[4] VIRTUAL INPUTS (1 to 32)[6] VIRTUAL OUTPUTS (1 to 64)[8] CONTACT OUTPUTS[10] CONTACT OUTPUTS VOLTAGE DETECTED (1 to 64)[11] CONTACT OUTPUTS VOLTAGE OFF DETECTED (1 to 64)[12] CONTACT OUTPUTS CURRENT DETECTED (1 to 64)[13] CONTACT OUTPUTS CURRENT OFF DETECTED (1 to 64)[14] REMOTE INPUTS (1 to 32)[16] DIRECT INPUTS (1 to 96[18] REMOTE OUTPUT DNA BIT PAIRS (1 to 32)[20] REMOTE OUTPUT UserSt BIT PAIRS (1 to 32)[22] REMOTE DEVICE ONLINE (1 to 16)[24] MISCELLANEOUS EQUATION[26] TELEPROTECTION INPUTS[28] INSERT (via keypad only)Value Description0 None1 U1/AC42 U1/AC83 U2/AC44 U2/AC85 U3/AC46 U3/AC87 U4/AC48 U4/AC89 U5/AC410 U5/AC811 U6/AC412 U6/AC813 U7/AC514 U7/AC815 U8/AC516 U8/AC8Value Description0 None1 U1/DC12 U1/DC23 U1/DC34 U2/DC1... ...24 U8/DC3Value Description0 None1 U12 U23 U34 U45 U56 U67 U78 U8Value Description0 None1 I02 V0