GE Multilin L30 Line Current Differential System 5-255 SETTINGS 5.2 PRODUCT SETUP5The configurable GOOSE settings are shown below.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION TRANSMISSION CONFIGURABLE GOOSE CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1(8)The configurable GOOSE settings allow the L30 to be configured to transmit a number of different datasets within IEC61850 GOOSE messages. Up to eight different configurable datasets can be configured and transmitted. This is useful forintercommunication between L30 IEDs and devices from other manufacturers that support IEC 61850.The configurable GOOSE feature allows for the configuration of the datasets to be transmitted or received from the L30.The L30 supports the configuration of eight (8) transmission and reception datasets, allowing for the optimization of datatransfer between devices.Items programmed for dataset 1 and 2 will have changes in their status transmitted as soon as the change is detected.Datasets 1 and 2 should be used for high-speed transmission of data that is required for applications such as transfer trip-ping, blocking, and breaker fail initiate. At least one digital status value needs to be configured in the required dataset toenable transmission of configured data. Configuring analog data only to dataset 1 or 2 will not activate transmission.Items programmed for datasets 3 through 8 will have changes in their status transmitted at a maximum rate of every100 ms. Datasets 3 through 8 will regularly analyze each data item configured within them every 100 ms to identify if anychanges have been made. If any changes in the data items are detected, these changes will be transmitted through aGOOSE message. If there are no changes detected during this 100 ms period, no GOOSE message will be sent.For all datasets 1 through 8, the integrity GOOSE message will still continue to be sent at the pre-configured rate even if nochanges in the data items are detected.The GOOSE functionality was enhanced to prevent the relay from flooding a communications network with GOOSE mes-sages due to an oscillation being created that is triggering a message.The L30 has the ability of detecting if a data item in one of the GOOSE datasets is erroneously oscillating. This can becaused by events such as errors in logic programming, inputs improperly being asserted and de-asserted, or failed stationcomponents. If erroneously oscillation is detected, the L30 will stop sending GOOSE messages from the dataset for a min-imum period of one second. Should the oscillation persist after the one second time-out period, the L30 will continue toblock transmission of the dataset. The L30 will assert the MAINTENANCE ALERT: GGIO Ind XXX oscill self-test error mes-sage on the front panel display, where XXX denotes the data item detected as oscillating.For versions 5.70 and higher, the L30 supports four retransmission schemes: aggressive, medium, relaxed, and heartbeat.The aggressive scheme is only supported in fast type 1A GOOSE messages (GOOSEOut 1 and GOOSEOut 2). For slowGOOSE messages (GOOSEOut 3 to GOOSEOut 8) the aggressive scheme is the same as the medium scheme. CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1CONFIG GSE 1FUNCTION: EnabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 ID:GOOSEOut_1Range: 65-character ASCII stringMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 DST MAC:010CDC010000Range: standard MAC addressMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1VLAN PRIORITY: 4Range: 0 to 7 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1VLAN ID: 0Range: 0 to 4095 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1ETYPE APPID: 0Range: 0 to 16383 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1CONFREV: 1Range: 0 to 4294967295 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 RESTRANSCURVE: RelaxedRange: Aggressive, Medium, Relaxed, HeartbeatMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 DATASET ITEMSRange: 64 data items; each can be set to all valid MMSdata item references for transmitted data