GE Multilin L30 Line Current Differential System 3-393 HARDWARE 3.3 PILOT CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS3Pull the ejector/inserter clips located at the top and at the bottom of each module simultaneously in order to release themodule for removal. Record the original location of the module to help ensure that the same or replacement module isinserted into the correct slot.2. Remove the module cover screw.3. Remove the top cover by sliding it towards the rear and then lift it upwards.4. Set the timing selection switches (channel 1, channel 2) to the desired timing modes (see description above).5. Replace the top cover and the cover screw.6. Re-insert the IEEE C37.94 module. Take care to ensure that the correct module type is inserted into the correct slotposition. The ejector/inserter clips located at the top and at the bottom of each module must be in the disengaged posi-tion as the module is smoothly inserted into the slot. Once the clips have cleared the raised edge of the chassis,engage the clips simultaneously. When the clips have locked into position, the module will be fully inserted.Figure 3–41: IEEE C37.94 TIMING SELECTION SWITCH SETTINGCover screwTop coverBottom coverEjector/inserter clipEjector/inserter clipTiming selectionswitchesChannel 1Channel 2FRONTREAR831774A3.CDR