GE Multilin L30 Line Current Differential System 5-1715 SETTINGS 5.7 CONTROL ELEMENTS5Figure 5–78: TRIP BUS FIELDS IN THE PROTECTION SUMMARYThe following settings are available.• TRIP BUS 1 BLOCK: The trip bus output is blocked when the operand assigned to this setting is asserted.• TRIP BUS 1 PICKUP DELAY: This setting specifies a time delay to produce an output depending on how output isused.• TRIP BUS 1 RESET DELAY: This setting specifies a time delay to reset an output command. The time delay should beset long enough to allow the breaker or contactor to perform a required action.• TRIP BUS 1 INPUT 1 to TRIP BUS 1 INPUT 16: These settings select a FlexLogic™ operand to be assigned as aninput to the trip bus.• TRIP BUS 1 LATCHING: This setting enables or disables latching of the trip bus output. This is typically used whenlockout is required or user acknowledgement of the relay response is required.• TRIP BUS 1 RESET: The trip bus output is reset when the operand assigned to this setting is asserted. Note that theRESET OP operand is pre-wired to the reset gate of the latch, As such, a reset command the front panel interface or viacommunications will reset the trip bus output.Figure 5–79: TRIP BUS LOGIC* * *SETTINGS= OffTRIP BUS 1 INPUT 2= OffTRIP BUS 1 INPUT 1= OffTRIP BUS 1 INPUT 16ORSETTINGS= EnabledTRIP BUS 1FUNCTION= OffTRIP BUS 1 BLOCK ANDANDLatchSRNon-volatile,set-dominantSETTINGS= EnabledTRIP BUS 1LATCHING= OffTRIP BUS 1 RESETFLEXLOGIC OPERANDTRIP BUS 1 PKPORSETTINGSTRIP BUS 1 PICKUPDELAYTRIP BUS 1 RESETDELAYT PKPT RSTFLEXLOGIC OPERANDRESET OPFLEXLOGIC OPERANDTRIP BUS 1 OP842023A1.CDR