5-20 L60 Line Phase Comparison Relay GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5These settings are applicable to fixed (DNA/UserSt) GOOSE only.The GOOSE ID setting represents the IEC 61850 GOOSE application ID (GoID) name string sent as part of each GOOSEmessage. This string identifies the GOOSE message to the receiving device. In revisions previous to 5.0x, this name stringwas represented by the RELAY NAME setting.The DESTINATION MAC setting allows the destination Ethernet MAC address to be set. This address must be a multicastaddress; the least significant bit of the first byte must be set. In L60 releases previous to 5.0x, the destination Ethernet MACaddress was determined automatically by taking the sending MAC address (that is, the unique, local MAC address of theL60) and setting the multicast bit.The GOOSE VLAN PRIORITY setting indicates the Ethernet priority of GOOSE messages. This allows GOOSE messages tohave higher priority than other Ethernet data. The GOOSE ETYPE APPID setting allows the selection of a specific applicationID for each GOOSE sending device. This value can be left at its default if the feature is not required. Both the GOOSE VLANPRIORITY and GOOSE ETYPE APPID settings are required by IEC 61850.The configurable GOOSE settings are shown below:PATH: SETTINGS... ÖØ COMMUNICATIONS ÖØ IEC 61850... Ö GSSE... Ö TRANSMISSION ÖØ CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1(8)The configurable GOOSE settings allow the L60 to be configured to transmit a number of different datasets within IEC61850 GOOSE messages. Up to eight different configurable datasets can be configured and transmitted. This is useful forintercommunication between L60 IEDs and devices from other manufacturers that support IEC 61850.For intercommunication between L60 IEDs, the fixed (DNA/UserSt) dataset can be used. The DNA/UserSt dataset containsthe same DNA and UserSt bit pairs that are included in GSSE messages. All GOOSE messages transmitted by the L60(DNA/UserSt dataset and configurable datasets) use the IEC 61850 GOOSE messaging services (for example, VLAN sup-port).PATH:...TRANSMISSION ÖØ CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1(8) ÖØ CONIFIG GSE 1(64) DATA TIMES Ö ITEM 1(64)To create a configurable GOOSE dataset that contains an IEC 61850 Single Point Status indication and its associated qual-ity flags, the following dataset items can be selected: “GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal” and “GGIO1.ST.Ind1.q”. The L60 will then cre-ate a dataset containing these two data items. The status value for GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal is determined by the FlexLogic™operand assigned to GGIO1 indication 1. Changes to this operand will result in the transmission of GOOSE messages con-taining the defined dataset. CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1CONFIG GSE 1FUNCTION: EnabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 ID:GOOSEOut_1Range: 65-character ASCII stringMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 DST MAC:010CDC010000Range: standard MAC addressMESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1VLAN PRIORITY: 4Range: 0 to 7 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1VLAN ID: 0Range: 0 to 4095 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1ETYPE APPID: 0Range: 0 to 16383 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1CONFREV: 1Range: 0 to 4294967295 in steps of 1MESSAGE CONFIG GSE 1 DATASET ITEMSRange: 64 data items; each can be set to all valid MMSdata item references for transmitted data CONFIG GSE 1 DATASET ITEMSITEM 1:GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stValRange: all valid MMS data item references fortransmitted data