GE Multilin L90 Line Differential Relay 5-1675 SETTINGS 5.6 CONTROL ELEMENTS55.6.6 DIGITAL COUNTERSPATH: SETTINGS !" CONTROL ELEMENTS !" DIGITAL COUNTERS ! COUNTER 1(8)There are 8 identical digital counters, numbered from 1 to 8. A digital counter counts the number of state transitions fromLogic 0 to Logic 1. The counter is used to count operations such as the pickups of an element, the changes of state of anexternal contact (e.g. breaker auxiliary switch), or pulses from a watt-hour meter.ï COUNTER 1 UNITS: Assigns a label to identify the unit of measure pertaining to the digital transitions to be counted.The units label will appear in the corresponding actual values status.ï COUNTER 1 PRESET: Sets the count to a required preset value before counting operations begin, as in the casewhere a substitute relay is to be installed in place of an in-service relay, or while the counter is running.ï COUNTER 1 COMPARE: Sets the value to which the accumulated count value is compared. Three FlexLogicô outputoperands are provided to indicate if the present value is ëmore than (HI)í, ëequal to (EQL)í, or ëless than (LO)í the setvalue.ï COUNTER 1 UP: Selects the FlexLogicô operand for incrementing the counter. If an enabled UP input is receivedwhen the accumulated value is at the limit of +2,147,483,647 counts, the counter will rollover to ñ2,147,483,648.ï COUNTER 1 DOWN: Selects the FlexLogicô operand for decrementing the counter. If an enabled DOWN input isreceived when the accumulated value is at the limit of ñ2,147,483,648 counts, the counter will rollover to+2,147,483,647.ï COUNTER 1 BLOCK: Selects the FlexLogicô operand for blocking the counting operation. All counter operands areblocked.# COUNTER 1#COUNTER 1FUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE COUNTER 1 NAME:Counter 1Range: 12 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE COUNTER 1 UNITS: Range: 6 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE COUNTER 1 PRESET:0Range: ñ2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647MESSAGE COUNTER 1 COMPARE:0Range: ñ2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647MESSAGE COUNTER 1 UP:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE COUNTER 1 DOWN:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE COUNTER 1 BLOCK:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE CNT1 SET TO PRESET:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE COUNTER 1 RESET:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE COUNT1 FREEZE/RESET:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandMESSAGE COUNT1 FREEZE/COUNT:OffRange: FlexLogicô operand