5-212 L90 Line Differential Relay GE Multilin5.9 TESTING 5 SETTINGS55.9.3 FORCE CONTACT OUTPUTSPATH: SETTINGS !" TESTING !" FORCE CONTACT OUTPUTSThe relay contact outputs can be pre-programmed to respond to the Test Mode.If set to ìDisabledî, the contact output remains fully operational. If operates when its control operand is Logic 1 and willresets when its control operand is Logic 0. If set to ìEnergizeî, the output will close and remain closed for the entire durationof the Test Mode, regardless of the status of the operand configured to control the output contact. If set to ìDe-energizeî,the output will open and remain opened for the entire duration of the Test Mode regardless of the status of the operand con-figured to control the output contact. If set to ìFreezeî, the output retains its position from before entering the Test Mode,regardless of the status of the operand configured to control the output contact.These settings are applied two ways. First, external circuits may be tested by energizing or de-energizing contacts. Sec-ond, by controlling the output contact state, relay logic may be tested and undesirable effects on external circuits avoided.Example 1: Initiating a Test from User-Programmable Pushbutton 1The Test Mode should be initiated from User-Programmable Pushbutton 1. The pushbutton will be programmed asìLatchedî (pushbutton pressed to initiate the test, and pressed again to terminate the test). During the test, Digital Input 1should remain operational, Digital Inputs 2 and 3 should open, and Digital Input 4 should close. Also, Contact Output 1should freeze, Contact Output 2 should open, Contact Output 3 should close, and Contact Output 4 should remain fullyoperational. The required settings are shown below.To enable User-Programmable Pushbutton 1 to initiate the Test mode, make the following changes in the SETTINGS !"TESTING ! TEST MODE menu:TEST MODE FUNCTION: ìEnabledî and TEST MODE INITIATE: ì PUSHBUTTON 1 ON îMake the following changes to configure the Contact I/Os. In the SETTINGS !" TESTING !" FORCE CONTACT INPUTS andFORCE CONTACT INPUTS menus, set:FORCE Cont Ip 1: ìDisabledî, FORCE Cont Ip 2: ìOpenî, FORCE Cont Ip 3: ìOpenî, and FORCE Cont Ip 4: ìClosedîFORCE Cont Op 1: ìFreezeî, FORCE Cont Op 2: ìDe-energizedî, FORCE Cont Op 3: ìOpenî, and FORCE Cont Op 4: ìDisabledîExample 2: Initiating a Test from User-Programmable Pushbutton 1 or through Remote Input 1The Test should be initiated locally from User-Programmable Pushbutton 1 or remotely through Remote Input 1. Both thepushbutton and the remote input will be programmed as ìLatchedî. The required settings are shown below.Write the following FlexLogicô equation (enerVista UR Setup example shown):Set the User Programmable Pushbutton as latching by changing SETTINGS ! PRODUCT SETUP !" USER-PROGRAMMABLEPUSHBUTTONS ! USER PUSHBUTTON 1 ! PUSHBUTTON 1 FUNCTION to ìLatchedî. To enable either Pushbutton 1 or RemoteInput 1 to initiate the Test mode, make the following changes in the SETTINGS !" TESTING ! TEST MODE menu:TEST MODE FUNCTION: ìEnabledî and TEST MODE INITIATE: ì VO1 î# FORCE CONTACT# OUTPUTSFORCE Cont Op 1:DisabledRange: Disabled, Energized, De-energized, FreezeMESSAGE FORCE Cont Op 2:DisabledRange: Disabled, Energized, De-energized, Freeze↓MESSAGE FORCE Cont Op xx:DisabledRange: Disabled, Energized, De-energized, Freeze