TOOLS YOU WILL NEEDInstallation InstructionsREVERSING THE DOOR SWING (Single Door Refrigerator Models only)IMPORTANT NOTESWhen reversing the door swing:NOTE: Door swing is not reversible on somestainless steel models.• Read the instructions all the way throughbefore starting.• Handle parts carefully to avoid scratchingpaint.• Set screws down by their related parts toavoid using them in the wrong places.• Provide a non-scratching work surface forthe doors.IMPORTANT: Once you begin, do not movethe cabinet until door-swing reversal iscompleted.These instructions are for changing thehinges from the right side to the left side—ifyou ever want to change the hinges back tothe right side, follow these same instructionsand reverse all references to left and right.• Once door swing is finalized, ensurethe logo badge is properly aligned andpermanently secured to the door byremoving the adhesive cover on the backside. NOTE: If necessary call CustomerService for a replacement badge.Unplug the refrigerator from its electricaloutlet.Empty all door shelves, including the dairycompartment.Putty Knife orThin-blade ScrewdriverMasking TapeAdjustable Wrench 3/8″ and 10 mm SocketRatchet/DriverREMOVE THEREFRIGERATOR DOORTape the door shut with masking tape.Remove the hinge cover on top of therefrigerator door by squeezing it andpulling it up.Using a 3/8″ or 10 mm socketratchet/driver, remove the bolts securingthe top hinge to the cabinet. Then lift thehinge straight up to free the hinge pinfrom the socket in the top of the door.Remove the tape and tilt the door awayfrom the cabinet. Lift the door off thecenter hinge pin. Ensure that the whitehinge pin thimble remains on the hinge pinor inside door hinge pin hole located in thebottom of the door.Set the door on a non-scratching surfacewith the inside up.1ABCDEHinge CoverTop HingePhillips Screwdriver24