49-80742 Rev. 2 17TROUBLESHOOTING TIPSTroubleshooting tips ... %HIRUH\RXFDOOIRUVHUYLFH6DYHWLPHDQGPRQH\5HYLHZWKHFKDUWVRQWKHIROORZLQJSDJHVILUVWDQG\RXPD\QRWQHHGWRFDOOIRUVHUYLFH,IDQHUURUoccurs in the control operation, a fault code will flash in the display. Record the error code and call for service.Problem Possible Cause What To DoSurface elements will notmaintain a rolling boil orcooking is slow,PSURSHUFRRNZDUHEHLQJXVHG 8VHSDQVWKDWDUHUHFRPPHQGHGIRUinduction, have flat bottoms and match thesize of the surface element.Surface elements do notwork properlyCooktop controls improperly set. Check to be sure the correct control is set forthe surface element you are using.Power arc ON indicatorblinkingWrong pan type. 8VHDPDJQHWWRFKHFNWKDWFRRNZDUHLVinduction compatible.3DQLVWRRVPDOO %OLQNLQJ³21´LQGLFDWRU²SDQVL]HLVEHORZthe minimum size for the element. See the8VLQJWKHFRUUHFWVL]HFRRNZDUHVHFWLRQ3DQQRWSRVLWLRQHGFRUUHFWO\ Center the pan in the cooking ring.+, -, or control lock pads have been touchedbefore an element is turned on.See the Operating the Cooking Elementssection.Scratches on cooktopglass surface,QFRUUHFWFOHDQLQJPHWKRGVEHLQJXVHG 8VHUHFRPPHQGHGFOHDQLQJSURFHGXUHV6HHthe Cleaning the glass cooktop section.Cookware with rough bottoms being used orFRDUVHSDUWLFOHV VDOWRUVDQG ZHUHEHWZHHQWKHcookware and the surface of the cooktop.Cookware has been slid across the cooktopsurface.To avoid scratches, use the recommendedcleaning procedures. Make sure bottomsof cookware are clean before use, and usecookware with smooth bottoms.Areas of discoloration onthe cooktopFood spillovers not cleaned before next use. See the Cleaning the glass cooktop section.Hot surface on a model with a light-coloredglass cooktop.This is normal. The surface may appeardiscolored when it is hot. This is temporaryand will disappear as the glass cools.Plastic melted to thesurfaceHot cooktop came into contact with plasticplaced on the hot cooktop.See the Glass surface – potential forpermanent damage section in the Cleaningthe glass cooktop section.Pitting (or indentation) ofthe cooktopHot sugar mixture spilled on the cooktop. Call a qualified technician for replacement.Unresponsive keypad Keypad is dirty. Clean the keypad.A fuse in your home may be blown or the circuitbreaker tripped.Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.Pan detection/sizing notworking properly,PSURSHUFRRNZDUHEHLQJXVHG 8VHDIODWLQGXFWLRQFDSDEOHSDQWKDWPHHWVthe minimum size for the element being used.6HHWKH8VLQJ7KH&RUUHFW6L]H&RRNZDUHsection.3DQLVLPSURSHUO\SODFHG Make sure the pan is centered on thecorresponding surface element.Cooktop control improperly set. Check to see that the control is set properly.Noise 6RXQGV\RXPD\KHDU%X]]LQJZKLVWOLQJDQGhumming.7KHVHVRXQGVDUHQRUPDO6HH&RRNLQJ1RLVHsection.