4 49-80742 Rev. 2SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCEWARNING COOKTOP SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSŶ ,QWKHHYHQWRIDILUHGRQRWXVHZDWHURUJUHDVHRQILUHV1HYHUSLFNXSDIODPLQJSDQ7XUQWKHFRQWUROVoff. Smother a flaming pan on a surface unit bycovering the pan completely with a well-fitted lid,FRRNLHVKHHWRUIODWWUD\8VHDPXOWLSXUSRVHGU\chemical or a foam-type fire extinguisher.Ŷ 1HYHUOHDYHWKHVXUIDFHXQLWVXQDWWHQGHGDWPHGLXPRUKLJKKHDWVHWWLQJV%RLORYHUVFDXVHVPRNLQJDQGgreasy spillovers that may catch on fire.Ŷ 1HYHUOHDYHRLOXQDWWHQGHGZKLOHIU\LQJ,IDOORZHGto heat beyond its smoking point, oil may igniteresulting in fire that may spread to surroundingFDELQHWV8VHDGHHSIDWWKHUPRPHWHUZKHQHYHUpossible to monitor oil temperature.Ŷ 7RDYRLGVSLOORYHUDQGILUHXVHDPLQLPXPDPRXQWof oil when shallow pan-frying and avoid cookingfrozen foods with excessive amounts of ice.Ŷ 8VHWKHSURSHUSDQVL]HVHOHFWFRRNZDUHKDYLQJflat bottoms large enough to cover the surfaceheating element. The use of undersized cookwarewill expose a portion of the surface unit to directFRQWDFWDQGPD\UHVXOWLQLJQLWLRQRIFORWKLQJ3URSHUrelationship of cookware to surface unit will alsoimprove efficiency.Ŷ 7RPLQLPL]HWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIEXUQVLJQLWLRQRIflammable materials and spillage, the handle of acontainer should be turned toward the center of therange without extending over nearby surface units.WARNING INDUCTION COOKTOP SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSŶ 8VHFDUHZKHQWRXFKLQJWKHFRRNWRS7KHJODVVsurface of the cooktop will retain heat after thecontrols have been turned off.Ŷ 'RQRWFRRNRQDEURNHQFRRNWRS,IWKHJODVVcooktop should break, cleaning solutions andspillovers may penetrate the broken cooktop andcreate a risk of electric shock. Contact a qualifiedtechnician immediately.Ŷ $YRLGVFUDWFKLQJWKHJODVVFRRNWRS7KHFRRNWRScan be scratched with items such as knives, sharpinstruments, rings or other jewelry, and rivets onclothing.Ŷ 'RQRWSODFHRUVWRUHLWHPVWKDWFDQPHOWRUFDWFKfire on the glass cooktop, even when it is not beingXVHG,IWKHFRRNWRSLVLQDGYHUWHQWO\WXUQHGRQWKH\may ignite. Heat from the cooktop or oven vent afterit is turned off may cause them to ignite also.Ŷ 8VH&(5$0$%5<7(® ceramic Cooktop CleanerDQG&(5$0$%5<7(®&OHDQLQJ3DGWRFOHDQthe cooktop. Wait until the cooktop cools and theindicator light goes out before cleaning. A wetsponge or cloth on a hot surface can cause steamburns. Some cleaners can produce noxious fumesif applied to a hot surface. Read and follow allinstructions and warnings on the cleaning creamlabel. NOTE: Sugary spills are an exception. Theyshould be scraped off while still hot using an ovenmitt and a scraper. See the Cleaning the glasscooktop section for detailed instructions.Ŷ CAUTION 3HUVRQVZLWKDSDFHPDNHURUsimilar medical device should exercise caution whenusing or standing near an induction cooktop while itis in operation. The electromagnetic field may affectthe working of the pacemaker or similar medicalGHYLFH,WLVDGYLVDEOHWRFRQVXOW\RXUGRFWRURUthe pacemaker manufacturer about your particularsituation.