10 49-85217-1These flames are toolarge for the potSurface BurnersUSING THE COOKTOP: Surface BurnersAfter Lighting a BurnerŶ 'RQRWRSHUDWHWKHEXUQHUIRUDQH[WHQGHGSHULRGRItime without cookware on the grate. The finish on thegrate may discolor or chip without cookware to absorbthe heat.Ŷ 'RQRWDWWHPSWWRGLVDVVHPEOHDQ\EXUQHUZKLOHanother burner is on. An electric shock may result,which could cause you to knock over hot cookware.Ŷ %HVXUHWKHEXUQHUVDQGJUDWHVDUHFRROEHIRUH\RXplace your hand, a pot holder or cleaning materials onthem.How to Light a Surface BurnerWARNING Burners should be operatedonly when covered by cookware. Burner flamesnot covered by cookware present a risk of fire orclothing ignition. Never let flames extend beyond thesides of the cookware. Failure to comply may resultin serious injury.0DNHVXUHDOOEXUQHUVDUHLQWKHLUFRUUHFWORFDWLRQVDQGfully assembled before attempting to operate any burner.Select a burner and find its control knob. Push the knobin and turn it to the LITE position.the sound of the electric sparkigniting the burner. When oneburner is turned to LITE, allburners will spark. Sparking willcontinue as long as the knobremains at LITE. Once gas isignited, turn the knob to adjustthe flame size.Use of the Surface Burnersconvenience, cleanability and flexibility for a wide rangeof cooking applications.The smallest burner is the simmer burner. On somemodels, the center burner of the triple flame burnerprovides an additional simmer burner. A simmer burnerturned down to LO provides precise cooking performancefor foods such as delicate sauces that require low heatfor a long cooking time.The extra-large burner is designed to quickly bring largeamounts of liquid to a boil. Some models have a POWERBOIL™ setting especially designed for use with cookwareZLWKDGLDPHWHURILQFKHVRUODUJHUHow to Select Flame SizeWatch the flame, not the knob, as you adjust heat. Whenrapid heating is desired, the flame size on a burnershould match the size of the cookware you are using.Flames larger than the bottom of the cookware will notheat faster and may be hazardous.Push the control knob in andturn it to the LITE position.