26 49-85217-1Cleaning The Door and DrawerCARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning The Door and DrawerThe gasket is designed with a gap at the bottom toallow for proper air circulation.'RQRWUXERUFOHDQWKHGRRUJDVNHW³LWKDVDQextremely low resistance to abrasion.If you notice the gasket becoming worn, frayed ordamaged in any way or if it has become displaced onthe door, you should have it replaced.To clean the inside of the doorDo not allow excess water to run into any holes or slotsin the door.Wipe dishwashing detergent over any baked-on spattersRQWKHJODVV8VHDVLQJOHVLGHGVDIHW\UD]RUEODGHWRclean it off. Then wipe over the glass with a soapy clothto remove any residue and dry off.The area outside the gasket can be cleaned with asoap-filled plastic scouring pad.Removable Drawer (Lower Oven Drawer Models only)NOTE: For models with an electric warming drawer orlower oven drawer, before performing any adjustments,cleaning or service, disconnect the range electricalpower supply at the household distribution panel byremoving the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker.0DNHVXUHWKHZDUPLQJGUDZHUKHDWLQJHOHPHQWLVFRRO0RVWFOHDQLQJFDQEHGRQHZLWKWKHGUDZHULQSODFH+RZHYHUWKHGUDZHUPD\EHUHPRYHGLIIXUWKHUFOHDQLQJLVQHHGHG8VHVRDSDQGZDUPZDWHUWRWKRURXJKO\clean.To remove the drawer:1. Pull the drawer straightout until it stops.2. Press the left rail releaseup and press the rightrail release down, whilepulling the drawerforward and free.To replace the drawer:1. Place the left drawer rail around the inner left rail guideand slide it in slightly to hook it.2. Place the right drawer rail around the inner right railguide and slide it in slightly to hook it.3. Slide the drawer all the way in.Removable Lower Oven Drawer PanNOTE: For models with an electric warming drawer orlower oven drawer, before performing any adjustments,cleaning or service, disconnect the range electricalpower supply at the household distribution panel byremoving the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker.0DNHVXUHWKHGUDZHUKHDWLQJHOHPHQWLVFRRONOTE: Allow lower oven drawer to cool before removingpan.NOTE: Wipe spills promptly after each use.Ŷ Never place, use or self-clean the lower oven drawerpan in the upper oven.Ŷ Lower oven drawer has a removable pan for easycleaning. Clean with hot soapy water and a spongeor dish towel. Dry with a clean cloth. An oven cleaner,such as Easy-Off®PD\DOVREHXVHG%HVXUHWRIROORZWKHGLUHFWLRQVRQWKHRYHQFOHDQHU5HSODFHWKHpan in the lower oven drawer.