14 49-85217-1Vent appearance and location vary.1HYHUEORFNWKHYHQWV DLURSHQLQJV RIWKHUDQJH7KH\provide the air inlet and outlet that are necessary for therange to keep cool and operate properly with correctcombustion.Air openings are located at the rear of the cooktop, atthe top and bottom of the oven door, and at the bottomof the range.There are several different special features on your oven. To change the settings of these special features, press the Bakeand BroilSDGVDWWKHVDPHWLPHDQGKROGIRUWKUHHVHFRQGV 6) ZLOODSSHDULQWKHGLVSOD\6HOHFWWKHIHDWXUH\RXZDQWWRchange. When the change has been made, press the Start key to save the change and return to the time of day.Adjust the Oven TemperatureThis feature allows the oven baking temperature to beDGMXVWHGXSWR)KRWWHURUGRZQWR)FRROHU8VHthis feature if you believe your oven temperature is toohot or too cold and wish to change it.Press the Bake pad to enter the temperature adjustmentPRGH$QXPEHUEHWZHHQDQGZLOOGLVSOD\8VHWKHQXPEHUSDGVWRVHWWKHGHVLUHGWHPSHUDWXUHadjustment and use the Bake pad to change betweennegative and positive.Press the Start pad to save the temperature adjustment.End of Timer SignalsThis is the tone that signals the end of a timer. The toneFDQEHFRQWLQXRXV &RQE((S RURQHUHSHDWLQJEHHSE((S $FRQWLQXRXVVHWWLQJZLOOFRQWLQXHWRVRXQGDWRQHuntil a button on the control is pressed. Press the KitchenTimer pad to view the current setting and then to changethe setting.Fahrenheit or Celsius TemperatureDisplay7KHRYHQFRQWUROLVVHWWRXVH)DKUHQKHLWWHPSHUDWXUHV ) EXW\RXFDQFKDQJHLWWRXVH&HOVLXVWHPSHUDWXUHV & Press the Broil and Cook Time pads at the same time toview the current setting, press again to change the setting.Clock DisplayThis feature specifies how the time of day will beGLVSOD\HGRULIQRWLPHRIGD\ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGVHOHFWDVWDQGDUGKRXUFORFN KU KRXUPLOLWDU\WLPHGLVSOD\ KU RUQRFORFNGLVSOD\HG 2)) 3UHVVthe Clock pad to view the current setting, press again tochange the setting.Sound VolumeThis feature allows the oven tone volume to be adjustedEHWZHHQKLJK E((3 PHGLXP E((3 DQGORZE((3 3UHVVWKHCook Time pad to view the currentsetting or to change the setting. The control will soundthe oven tone at the new volume level each time thesound level is changed.Cook and Hold7KLVIHDWXUHNHHSVFRRNHGIRRGVZDUPIRUXSWRhours after the cooking function is finished. Press theCooking TimeSDG7KHGLVSOD\ZLOOVKRZ +G 3UHVVthe Cooking Time pad again to activate the feature. TheGLVSOD\ZLOOVKRZ +G Autorecipe Conversion7KLVIHDWXUH 212)) DXWRPDWLFDOO\UHGXFHVWKHSURJUDPPHGUHFLSHWHPSHUDWXUHLQ&RQYHFWLRQ%DNHPRGHE\)7KHGHIDXOWVHWWLQJIRUWKLVIHDWXUHLVRIINote: This option does not convert baking time, onlytemperatures. This option does not adjust temperatures for&RQYHFWLRQ5RDVWPRGH3UHVVHLWKHUBake or Roast toview the current setting. Press again to change the setting.Using the Sabbath Feature(Designed for use on theJewish Sabbath and Holidays)The Sabbath feature can be usedIRUEDNLQJURDVWLQJLQWKHXSSHUDQGORZHURYHQRUEDNLQJGUDZHU RQVRPHPRGHOV ,WFDQQRWEHXVHGIRUFRQYHFWLRQEURLOLQJself-cleaning or Delay Start cooking.NOTE:7KHRYHQOLJKWFRPHVRQDXWRPDWLFDOO\ RQVRPHPRGHOV ZKHQWKHGRRULVRSHQHGDQGJRHVRIIZKHQWKHdoor is closed. The bulb may be removed. See the Oven/LJKW5HSODFHPHQWVHFWLRQ2QPRGHOVZLWKDOLJKWVZLWFKon the control panel, the oven light may be turned onand left on.How to Set for Regular Baking/Roasting:0DNHVXUHWKHFORFNVKRZVWKHFRUUHFWWLPHRIGD\DQGthe oven is off. 3UHVVDQGKROGERWKWKHBake and Broil Hi/Lo pads,at the same timeXQWLOWKHGLVSOD\VKRZV 6) 7DSWKHDelay StartSDGXQWLO 6$EE$W+ DSSHDUVLQthe display. 7RXFKWKHStartSDGDQG will appear in thedisplay. 7RXFKWKHBake pad. No signal will be given.Oven Air VentsSpecial FeaturesUSING THE OVEN: Oven Air Vents / Special FeaturesKC ERTIFIEDSABBATHM ODE