49-85217-1 21Cleaning The OvenCARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning The Oven%HVXUHHOHFWULFDOSRZHULVRIIDQGDOOVXUIDFHVDUHFRROEHIRUHFOHDQLQJDQ\SDUWRIWKHRYHQControl Panel and KnobsWipe the control panel after each use of the oven witha damp cloth. For cleaning, use mild soap and water orDVROXWLRQRIYLQHJDUDQGZDWHU5LQVHZLWKFOHDQwater. Polish dry with a soft cloth.Do not use abrasive cleansers, strong liquid cleansers,plastic scouring pads or oven cleaners on the controlSDQHO²WKH\ZLOOGDPDJHWKHILQLVKDo not try to bend knobs by pulling them up or down orby hanging a towel or other such loads. This can damagethe gas valve shaft.The control knobs may be removed for easier cleaning.With knobs in the OFF position pull them straight off thestems.The knobs can be washed by hand with soap and wateror in a dishwasher.Not all knobs are interchangeable. To determine thecorrect location of a particular knob, examine the back ofthe knob. A knob with a label or two stem holes shouldbe replaced on the front panel first by matching theshape of the knob holes to the shape of the control panelstems. The remainder of the knobs having no labels andonly one stem hole can then be replaced on the frontpanel anywhere there is a single stem.Oven Exterior and Cooktop SurfaceDo not use oven cleaners, abrasive cleansers, strongliquid cleansers, steel wool, plastic scouring pads, orcleaning powders on the interior or exterior of the oven.&OHDQZLWKDPLOGVRDSDQGZDWHURUDVROXWLRQRIYLQHJDUDQGZDWHU5LQVHZLWKFOHDQZDWHUDQGGU\ZLWKDsoft cloth. When cleaning surfaces, make sure that theyare at room temperature and not in direct sunlight.If a stain on the door vent trim is persistent, use a mildabrasive cleaner and a sponge-scrubber for best results.Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces andbasting liquids containing acids may cause discolorationand should be wiped up immediately. Let hot surfacescool, then clean and rinse.Oven InteriorThe interior of your new oven can be cleaned manuallyor by using the Self Clean modes.Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces andbasting liquids containing acids may cause discolorationand should be wiped up as soon as hot surfaces cool,then clean and rinse.Manual CleaningDo not use oven cleaners, abrasive cleaners, strongliquid cleansers, steel wool, scouring pads, or cleaningpowders on the interior of the oven. Clean with a mildVRDSDQGZDWHURUVROXWLRQRIYLQHJDUDQGZDWHU5LQVHZLWKFOHDQZDWHUDQGGU\ZLWKDVRIWFORWK:KHQcleaning surfaces, make sure that they are at roomtemperature and not in direct sunlight.Stainless Steel Surfaces (on some models)Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratch the surface.To clean the stainless steel surface, use warm sudsywater or a stainless steel cleaner or polish. Always wipethe surface in the direction of the grain. Follow the cleanerinstructions for cleaning the stainless steel surface.To inquire about purchasing cleaning products includingstainless steel appliance cleaner or polish read theAssistance and Accessories sections at the beginning ofthis manual.Stem LabelStemholesSurface burner knob Knobs with two stem holes havespecial locations