18 49-85217-1CookwareCookware GuidelinesThe material, finish, and size of cookware affect bakingperformance.Dark, coated and dull pans absorb heat more readilythan light, shiny pans. Pans that absorb heat morereadily can result in a browner, crisper, and thicker crust.If using dark and coated cookware check food earlierthan minimum cook time. If undesirable results areobtained with this type of cookware consider reducingRYHQWHPSHUDWXUHE\)QH[WWLPHShiny pans can produce more evenly cooked bakedgoods such as cakes and cookies.Glass and ceramic pans heat slowly but retain heat well.These types of pans work well for dishes such as piesand custards.Air insulated pans heat slowly and can reduce bottombrowning..HHSFRRNZDUHFOHDQWRSURPRWHHYHQKHDWLQJCooking Modes (Cont.)USING THE OVEN: Cooking Modes / Aluminum Foil and Oven Liners / CookwareTo use the probe without preheating: ,QVHUWWKHSUREHLQWRWKHIRRG VHH3URSHU3UREH3ODFHPHQW*XLGHOLQHVLQWKLVVHFWLRQ 3ODFHWKHIRRGLQWKHRYHQDQGFRQQHFWWKHSUREHLQWRthe probe outlet in the oven. 3URJUDPWKHGHVLUHGSUREHDQGFRRNLQJPRGHVHWWLQJVby pressing the Probe pad and entering the desiredfood temperature, then pressing the cook mode padTraditional Bake, Convection Bake, or ConvectionRoast DQGHQWHULQJWKHGHVLUHGFRRNLQJWHPSHUDWXUHProper Probe Placement GuidelinesAfter preparing the meat and placing it on the cookingpan follow these guidelines for proper probe placement.Ŷ ,QVHUWWKHSUREHFRPSOHWHO\LQWRWKHPHDWXSWRWKHhandle, such that the point of the probe will rest in thecenter of the thickest part of the meat.Ŷ 7KHSUREHVKRXOGQRWWRXFKERQHIDWRUJULVWOHŶ )RUZKROHSRXOWU\LQVHUWWKHSUREHLQWRWKHWKLFNHVWpart of the breast.Ŷ )RUERQHOHVVURDVWVLQVHUWWKHSUREHLQWRWKHFHQWHUof the roast.Ŷ )RUERQHLQKDPRUODPELQVHUWWKHSUREHLQWRWKHcenter of the lowest large muscle or joint.Ŷ )RUFDVVHUROHVRUGLVKHVVXFKDVPHDWORDILQVHUWWKHprobe into the center of the dish.Ŷ )RUILVKLQVHUWWKHSUREHIURPMXVWDERYHWKHJLOOLQWRthe meatiest area, parallel to the backbone.Check the temperature at other locations in the foodwith a food thermometer once the probe temperatureis reached to ensure that all portions of the food havereached desired temperatures.Probe Care GuidelinesNOTE: some double oven models have a probe in theupper oven only.Ŷ 8VHRISUREHVRWKHUWKDQWKHRQHSURYLGHGZLWKWKLVproduct may result in damage to the probe.Ŷ 8VHWKHKDQGOHVRIWKHSUREHDQGSOXJZKHQLQVHUWLQJand removing them from the meat and outletŶ 7RDYRLGGDPDJLQJ\RXUSUREHGRQRWXVHWRQJVWRpull on the cable when removing it.Ŷ 7RDYRLGEUHDNLQJWKHSUREHPDNHVXUHIRRGLVcompletely defrosted before inserting the probe.Ŷ 7RSUHYHQWSRVVLEOHEXUQVGRQRWXQSOXJWKHSUREHfrom the outlet until the oven has cooled.Ŷ 1HYHUOHDYHWKHSUREHLQVLGHWKHRYHQGXULQJDVHOIRUsteam clean cycle.Ŷ 'RQRWVWRUHWKHSUREHLQWKHRYHQCAUTION: Do not use any type of foil or oven liner to cover the oven bottom. These items canblock airflow or melt, resulting in damage to the product and risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke orfire. Damage from improper use of these items is not covered by the product warranty.Foil may be used to catch spills by placing a sheet on a lower rack, several inches below the food. Do not use moreIRLOWKDQQHFHVVDU\DQGQHYHUHQWLUHO\FRYHUDQRYHQUDFNZLWKDOXPLQXPIRLO.HHSIRLODWOHDVW´IURPRYHQZDOOVto prevent poor heat circulation.Aluminum Foil and Oven Liners