49-85217-1 13Oven ControlsUSING THE OVEN: Oven Controls1. Convection Cooking Modes: Convection cookingmodes use increased air circulation to improveperformance. The type of benefit depends on thePRGHFRRNLQJPRGHV%DNHDQG5RDVW6HHWKH&RRNLQJ0RGHVVHFWLRQIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ2. Traditional Cooking Modes: IROORZLQJWUDGLWLRQDOFRRNLQJPRGHV%DNH%URLO+LDQG%URLO/R6HHWKH&RRNLQJ0RGHVVHFWLRQIRUmore information.3. Clean: Cleaning the Oven section for important informationabout using this mode.4. Start: 0XVWEHSUHVVHGWRVWDUWDQ\FRRNLQJcleaning, or timed function.5. Clear/Off: Cancels ALL oven operations except theclock and timer.6. Cooking Time: Counts down cooking time andturns off the oven when the cooking time iscomplete. Press the Cook Time pad, use thenumber pads to program a cooking time in hoursand minutes, then press Start. This can only beXVHGZLWK7UDGLWLRQDO%DNH&RQYHFWLRQ%DNHDQG&RQYHFWLRQ5RDVW7. Clock: Sets the oven clock time. Press ClockSDG RQVRPHPRGHOV 8VHWKHQXPEHUSDGVWRprogram the clock. Press Start to save the time.8. Kitchen Timer: Works as a countdown timer. Pressthe Kitchen Timer pad and the number pads toprogram the time in hours and minutes. Press theStart pad. The oven will continue to operate whenthe timer countdown is complete. To turn the timeroff press the Kitchen Timer pad.9. Delay Start: 'HOD\VZKHQWKHRYHQZLOOWXUQRQ8VHthis to set a time when you want the oven to start.Press the Delay Start pad and use the numberpads to program the time of day for the oven toturn on. Press the desired cooking mode andtemperature then press Start. A cook time may alsobe programmed if desired. This can only be usedZLWK7UDGLWLRQDO%DNH&RQYHFWLRQ%DNH&RQYHFWLRQ5RDVWDQG6HOI&OHDQNOTE: When using the delay time feature, foodsWKDWVSRLOHDVLO\²VXFKDVPLONHJJVILVKVWXIILQJVSRXOWU\DQGSRUN²VKRXOGQRWEHDOORZHGWRVLWIRUPRUHWKDQKRXUEHIRUHRUDIWHUFRRNLQJ5RRPtemperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.%HVXUHWKDWWKHRYHQOLJKWLVRIIEHFDXVHKHDWIURPthe bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.10. Probe: 0RQLWRUVLQWHUQDOIRRGWHPSHUDWXUHDQGWXUQVthe oven off when the food reaches the programmedtemperature. Insert the probe, program the cookingmode and program the probe temperature. See the&RRNLQJ0RGHVVHFWLRQIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ7KHSUREHFDQRQO\EHXVHGZLWK7UDGLWLRQDO%DNHDQG&RQYHFWLRQ5RDVW11. Oven Light(s): 7XUQVWKHRYHQOLJKW V RQRURII12. Gas/Control Lockout: Locks out the control so thatpressing the pads does not activate the controls.Press and hold the Gas/Control Lockout pad forthree seconds to lock or unlock the control. Clear/Offis always active, even when the control is locked.1 962 3 5 8 712 11104