5-30 B30 Bus Differential System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5The IED NAME and LD INST settings represent the MMS domain name (IEC 61850 logical device) where all IEC/MMS logicalnodes are located. Valid characters for these values are upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and the underscore (_)character, and the first character in the string must be a letter. This conforms to the IEC 61850 standard. The LOCATION is avariable string and can be composed of ASCII characters. This string appears within the PhyName of the LPHD node.The IEC/MMS TCP PORT NUMBER setting allows the user to change the TCP port number for MMS connections. The INCLUDENON-IEC DATA setting determines whether or not the “UR” MMS domain will be available. This domain contains a large num-ber of UR-series specific data items that are not available in the IEC 61850 logical nodes. This data does not follow the IEC61850 naming conventions. For communications schemes that strictly follow the IEC 61850 standard, this setting should be“Disabled”.Do not set more than one protocol to the same TCP/UDP port number, as this results in unreliable operation ofthose protocols.The SERVER SCANNING feature should be set to “Disabled” when IEC 61850 client/server functionality is not required. IEC61850 has two modes of functionality: GOOSE/GSSE inter-device communication and client/server communication. If theGOOSE/GSSE functionality is required without the IEC 61850 client server feature, then server scanning can be disabledto increase CPU resources. When server scanning is disabled, there will be not updated to the IEC 61850 logical node sta-tus values in the B30. Clients will still be able to connect to the server (B30 relay), but most data values will not be updated.This setting does not affect GOOSE/GSSE operation.Changes to the IED NAME setting, LD INST setting, and GOOSE dataset will not take effect until the B30 is restarted.The main menu for the IEC 61850 logical node name prefixes is shown below.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL IEC 61850 LOGICAL NODE NAME PREFIXESThe IEC 61850 logical node name prefix settings are used to create name prefixes to uniquely identify each logical node.For example, the logical node “PTOC1” may have the name prefix “abc”. The full logical node name will then be“abcMMXU1”. Valid characters for the logical node name prefixes are upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and theunderscore (_) character, and the first character in the prefix must be a letter. This conforms to the IEC 61850 standard.Changes to the logical node prefixes will not take effect until the B30 is restarted.The main menu for the IEC 61850 MMXU deadbands is shown below.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL MMXU DEADBANDS IEC 61850 LOGICAL NODE NAME PREFIXES PIOC LOGICAL NODE NAME PREFIXESMESSAGE PTOC LOGICAL NODE NAME PREFIXES↓MESSAGE PTRC LOGICAL NODE NAME PREFIXES MMXU DEADBANDS MMXU1 DEADBANDSMESSAGE MMXU2 DEADBANDSMESSAGE MMXU3 DEADBANDSMESSAGE MMXU4 DEADBANDSNOTENOTE