5-42 B30 Bus Differential System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5The last record is available as individual data items via communications protocols.• PRE-FAULT 1 TRIGGER: Specifies the FlexLogic™ operand to capture the pre-fault data. The rising edge of thisoperand stores one cycle-old data for subsequent reporting. The element waits for the fault trigger to actually create arecord as long as the operand selected as PRE-FAULT 1 TRIGGER is “On”. If the operand remains “Off” for 1 second, theelement resets and no record is created.• FAULT 1 TRIGGER: Specifies the FlexLogic™ operand to capture the fault data. The rising edge of this operandstores the data as fault data and results in a new report. The trigger (not the pre-fault trigger) controls the date and timeof the report.• FAULT REPORT 1 #1 to FAULT REPORT 1 #32: These settings specify an actual value such as voltage or currentmagnitude, true RMS, phase angle, frequency, temperature, etc., to be stored should the report be created. Up to 32channels can be configured. Two reports are configurable to cope with variety of trip conditions and items of interest.5.2.8 OSCILLOGRAPHYa) MAIN MENUPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP OSCILLOGRAPHYOscillography records contain waveforms captured at the sampling rate as well as other relay data at the point of trigger.Oscillography records are triggered by a programmable FlexLogic™ operand. Multiple oscillography records may be cap-tured simultaneously.The NUMBER OF RECORDS is selectable, but the number of cycles captured in a single record varies considerably based onother factors such as sample rate and the number of operational modules. There is a fixed amount of data storage for oscil-lography; the more data captured, the less the number of cycles captured per record. See the ACTUAL VALUES RECORDS OSCILLOGRAPHY menu to view the number of cycles captured per record. The following table provides sam-ple configurations with corresponding cycles/record. OSCILLOGRAPHYNUMBER OF RECORDS:15Range: 1 to 64 in steps of 1MESSAGE TRIGGER MODE:Automatic OverwriteRange: Automatic Overwrite, ProtectedMESSAGE TRIGGER POSITION:50%Range: 0 to 100% in steps of 1MESSAGE TRIGGER SOURCE:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE AC INPUT WAVEFORMS:16 samples/cycleRange: Off; 8, 16, 32, 64 samples/cycleMESSAGE DIGITAL CHANNELSMESSAGE ANALOG CHANNELS