GE Multilin B30 Bus Differential System B-43APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGBAC53 IEC 61850 Logical Node PTUVx Name Prefix (13 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AC7A IEC 61850 Logical Node PTOVx Name Prefix (10 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AC98 IEC 61850 Logical Node PDISx Name Prefix (10 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)ACB6 IEC 61850 Logical Node RBRFx Name Prefix (24 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)ACFE IEC 61850 Logical Node RPSBx Name Prefix 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD01 IEC 61850 Logical Node RRECx Name Prefix (6 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD13 IEC 61850 Logical Node MMXUx Name Prefix (6 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD25 IEC 61850 Logical Node GGIOx Name Prefix (5 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD34 IEC 61850 Logical Node RFLOx Name Prefix (5 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD43 IEC 61850 Logical Node XCBRx Name Prefix (6 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD55 IEC 61850 Logical Node PTRCx Name Prefix (6 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD67 IEC 61850 Logical Node PDIFx Name Prefix (4 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AD73 IEC 61850 Logical Node MMXNx Name Prefix (37items)0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)ADE2 IEC 61850 Logical Node CSWIx Name Prefix (30 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)AE3C IEC 61850 Logical Node XSWIx Name Prefix (24 items) 0 to 65534 --- 1 F206 (none)IEC 61850 XSWI Configuration (Read/Write Settings and Commands) (24 modules)AECF FlexLogic Operand for IEC 61850 XSWI1.ST.Loc Status 0 to 65535 --- 1 F300 0AED0 Command to Clear XSWI1 OpCnt (Operation Counter) 0 to 1 --- 1 F126 0 (No)AED1 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI2AED3 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI3AED5 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI4AED7 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI5AED9 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI6AEDB Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI7AEDD Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI8AEDF Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI9AEE1 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI10AEE3 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI11AEE5 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI12AEE7 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI13AEE9 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI14AEEB Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI15AEED Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI16AEEF Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI17AEF1 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI18AEF3 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI19AEF5 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI20AEF7 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI21AEF9 Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI22AEFB Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI23AEFD Repeated for IEC 61850 XSWI24IEC 61850 GGIO4 General Analog Configuration Settings (Read/Write Setting)AF00 Number of Analog Input Points in GGIO4 4 to 32 --- 4 F001 4IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input Points Configuration Settings (Read/Write Setting) (32 modules)AF10 IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 1 Value --- --- --- F600 0AF11 IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 1 Deadband 0.001 to 100 % 0.001 F003 100000AF13 IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 1 Minimum –1000000000000 to1000000000000--- 0.001 F060 0AF15 IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 1 Maximum –1000000000000 to1000000000000--- 0.001 F060 1000000AF17 ...Repeated for IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 2AF1E ...Repeated for IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 3AF25 ...Repeated for IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 4AF2C ...Repeated for IEC 61850 GGIO4 Analog Input 5Table B–10: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 35 of 51)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT