49-85233 3- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.- WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GASŶ 'RQRWWU\WROLJKWDQ\DSSOLDQFHŶ 'RQRWWRXFKDQ\HOHFWULFDOVZLWFKGRQRWXVHDQ\SKRQHLQ\RXUEXLOGLQJŶ ,PPHGLDWHO\FDOO\RXUJDVVXSSOLHUIURPDQHLJKERU¶VSKRQH)ROORZWKHJDVVXSSOLHU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQVŶ ,I\RXFDQQRWUHDFK\RXUJDVVXSSOLHUFDOOWKHILUHGHSDUWPHQW,QVWDOODWLRQDQGVHUYLFHPXVWEHSHUIRUPHGE\DTXDOLILHGLQVWDOOHUVHUYLFHDJHQF\RUWKHJDVVXSSOLHUWARNING If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result,causing property damage, personal injury or death.To reduce the risk of tipping the range,the range must be secured by a properlyinstalled anti-tip bracket. See installationinstructions shipped with the bracket forcomplete details before attempting toinstall.For Freestanding andSlide-In RangesTo check if the bracket is installed andengaged properly, look underneath therange to see that the rear leveling leg isengaged in the bracket. On some models, the storage drawer or kick panel canEHUHPRYHGIRUHDV\LQVSHFWLRQ,IYLVXDOLQVSHFWLRQLVQRWSRVVLEOHVOLGHWKHUDQJHforward, confirm the anti-tip bracket is securely attached to the floor or wall, andslide the range back so the rear leveling leg is under the anti-tip bracket.,IWKHUDQJHLVSXOOHGIURPWKHZDOOIRUDQ\UHDVRQDOZD\VUHSHDWWKLVSURFHGXUHWRverify the range is properly secured by the anti-tip bracket.Never completely remove the leveling legs or the range will not be secured to theanti-tip device properly.Freestanding and Slide-In RangesAnti-TipBracketLeveling LegSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGANTI-TIP DEVICEThis is the safety alert symbol. This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others.$OOVDIHW\PHVVDJHVZLOOIROORZWKHVDIHW\DOHUWV\PERODQGWKHZRUG³'$1*(5´³:$51,1*´RU³&$87,21´7KHVHwords are defined as:DANGER ,QGLFDWHVDKD]DUGRXVVLWXDWLRQZKLFKLIQRWDYRLGHGwill result in death or serious injury.WARNING ,QGLFDWHVDKD]DUGRXVVLWXDWLRQZKLFKLIQRWDYRLGHGcould result in death or serious injury.CAUTION ,QGLFDWHVDKD]DUGRXVVLWXDWLRQZKLFKLIQRWDYRLGHGcould result in minor or moderate injury.SAFETY INFORMATIONA child or adult can tip the range and be killed.Verify the anti-tip bracket has been properlyinstalled and engaged.Ensure the anti-tip bracket is re-engaged whenthe range is moved.Do not operate the range without the anti-tip bracketin place and engaged.Failure to follow these instructions can result indeath or serious burns to children or adults.Tip-Over HazardWARNING