4 49-85233WARNING GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSSTATE OF CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGThe California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list ofsubstances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requires businesses towarn customers of potential exposure to such substances.WARNING This product contains one or more chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm.Self-clean ovens can cause low-level exposure to some of these substances, including carbon monoxide, during thecleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING NEVER use this appliance as aspace heater to heat or warm the room. Doingso may result in carbon monoxide poisoningand overheating of the oven.Ŷ 8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHIRULWVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHDVdescribed in this owner’s manual.Ŷ +DYH\RXUUDQJHLQVWDOOHGDQGSURSHUO\JURXQGHGE\a qualified installer in accordance with the providedinstallation instructions. Any adjustment and serviceshould be performed only by a qualified gas rangeinstallers or service technicians. Do not attempt torepair or replace any part of your range unless it isspecifically recommended in this manual.Ŷ QDWXUDOJDV,WFDQEHFRQYHUWHGIRUXVHZLWK/3JDV,IUHTXLUHGWKHVHDGMXVWPHQWVPXVWEHPDGHE\Dqualified technician in accordance with the installationinstructions and local codes. The agency performingthis work assumes responsibility for the conversion.Ŷ +DYHWKHLQVWDOOHUVKRZ\RXWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHUDQJHgas shut-off valve and how to turn it off if necessary.Ŷ 3OXJ\RXUUDQJHLQWRDYROWJURXQGHGRXWOHWonly. Do not remove the round grounding prongIURPWKHSOXJ,ILQGRXEWDERXWWKHJURXQGLQJRIWKHhome electrical system, it is your responsibility andobligation to have an ungrounded outlet replaced witha properly grounded, three prong outlet in accordancewith the National Electrical Code. Do not use onextension cord with this appliance.Ŷ %HIRUHSHUIRUPLQJDQ\VHUYLFHXQSOXJWKHUDQJHor disconnect the power supply at the householddistribution panel by removing the fuse or switching offthe circuit breaker.Ŷ %HVXUHDOOSDFNLQJPDWHULDOVDUHUHPRYHGIURPWKHrange before operating to prevent ignition of thesematerialsŶ $YRLGVFUDWFKLQJRULPSDFWLQJJODVVGRRUVFRRNWRSVor control panels. Doing so may lead to glassbreakage. Do not cook on a product with brokenglass. Shock, fire or cuts may occur.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHFKLOGUHQDORQH²FKLOGUHQVKRXOGQRWbe left alone or unattended in an area where anappliance is in use. They should never be allowed toclimb, sit or stand on any part of the appliance.Ŷ CAUTION Do not store items of interest tochildren in cabinets above an oven - children climbingon the oven to reach items could be seriously injured.Ŷ 'RQRWDOORZDQ\RQHWRFOLPEVWDQGRUKDQJRQWKHoven door, drawer or cooktop. They could damage therange or tip it over causing severe injury or death.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGSAFETY INFORMATION