49-85233 7SAFETY INFORMATIONIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING SELF-CLEANING OVEN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING BAKING DRAWER SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe self-cleaning feature operates the oven at temperatures high enough to burn away food soils in the oven. Followthese instructions for safe operation.Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKRYHQVXUIDFHVGXULQJVHOIFOHDQoperation. Keep children away from the oven duringself-cleaning. Failure to follow these instructions maycause burns.Ŷ %HIRUHRSHUDWLQJWKHVHOIFOHDQF\FOHUHPRYHSDQVshiny metal oven racks and other utensils from theoven. Only porcelain-coated oven racks may be left inthe oven. Do not use self-clean to clean other parts,such as grates.Ŷ %HIRUHRSHUDWLQJWKHVHOIFOHDQF\FOHZLSHJUHDVHDQGfood soils from the oven. Excessive amount of greasemay ignite leading to smoke damage to your home.Ŷ ,IWKHVHOIFOHDQLQJPRGHPDOIXQFWLRQVWXUQWKHRYHQoff and disconnect the power supply. Have it servicedby a qualified technician.Ŷ 'RQRWXVHRYHQFOHDQHUV1RFRPPHUFLDORYHQcleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kindshould be used in or around any part of the oven.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHSDSHUSURGXFWVSODVWLFVFDQQHGIRRGRUcombustible materials in the drawer. They may ignite.Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKWKHKHDWLQJHOHPHQWRUWKHLQWHULRUsurface of the drawer. These surfaces may be hotenough to cause burns.Ŷ 8VHFDUHZKHQRSHQLQJWKHGUDZHU2SHQWKHGUDZHUa crack and let hot air or steam escape beforeremoving or replacing food. Hot air or steam thatHVFDSHVFDQFDXVHEXUQVWRKDQGVIDFHDQGRUH\HVWARNING OVEN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING NEVER cover any slots, holes,or passages in the oven bottom or cover anentire rack with materials such as aluminum foilor oven liners. Doing so blocks air flow throughthe oven and may cause carbon monoxidepoisoning. Never place foil or oven liners on theoven bottom. They can trap heat causing risk ofsmoke or fire.Ŷ 8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHIRULWVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHDVdescribed in this owner’s manual.Ŷ 6WDQGDZD\IURPWKHUDQJHZKHQRSHQLQJWKHRYHQdoor. Hot air or steam which escapes can causeEXUQVWRKDQGVIDFHDQGRUH\HVŶ .HHSWKHRYHQIUHHIURPJUHDVHEXLOGXS*UHDVHLQthe oven may ignite.Ŷ 3ODFHRYHQUDFNVLQGHVLUHGORFDWLRQZKLOHRYHQLVFRRO,IUDFNPXVWEHPRYHGZKLOHRYHQLVKRWEHcareful to avoid touching hot surfaces.Ŷ 3XOOWKHRYHQUDFNWRWKHVWRSORFNSRVLWLRQZKHQloading and unloading food from the oven. This helpsprevent burns from touching hot surfaces of the doorand oven walls.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHLWHPVVXFKDVSDSHUFRRNLQJXWHQVLOVRUIRRGLQWKHRYHQZKHQQRWLQXVH,WHPVVWRUHGLQDQoven can ignite.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHLWHPVRQWKHFRRNWRSQHDUWKHRYHQYHQWZKLFKLVLQWKHFHQWHURIWKHEDFNJXDUG,WHPVPD\overheat resulting in a risk of fire or burns.Ŷ :KHQXVLQJFRRNLQJRUURDVWLQJEDJVLQWKHRYHQfollow the manufacturer’s directions.Ŷ 1HYHUEURLOZLWKGRRURSHQ2SHQGRRUEURLOLQJLVQRWpermitted due to overheating of control knobs.