Post-Installation Configuration & Checkout3-22 560-0982-00 Rev D Apollo CNX80 Installation ManualFigure 3-22 – GPS Status Page3. Check the GPS signal reception using the GPS Status page. Typical signal levels are between 60%and 80% of full scale (viewed using the bar graph), although values above and below this range arenormal.4. Turn on other avionics one at a time and check the GPS signal reception to make sure it is notaffected.5. Check for VHF com transmitter interference.NOTEThe interference check must be completed on all IFR installations.a) Verify that at least five satellites are displayed in green boxes (with the corresponding satellitevehicle number displayed in green on the left of the bar graph). Ensure that NO POSITIONFIX is not displayed.b) Press the COM bezel key and tune the CNX80 Com to 121.125 MHz. Listen on the frequencyto ensure it is not in use, and then transmit for 30 seconds.NOTEWhen the mic has been keyed for 35 seconds, a “WARNING Stuck Microphone” messagewill pop-up and the com transmitter will stop transmitting. If required to transmit for anadditional 15 seconds, the PTT switch must be momentarily released and then re-keyed tocontinue transmitting – the WARNING message does not have to be cleared to continuetransmitting.c) While transmitting, observe the signal status of each satellite being received. If the satellitesignals are significantly degraded or some satellite signals are lost during the test, continuetransmitting for another 15 seconds. Verify that the GPS position remains valid (if position islost, NO POSITION FIX will be displayed in place of the position data). If position is lost,additional isolation measures will have to be taken.