Post-Installation Configuration & CheckoutApollo CNX80 Installation Manual 560-0982-00 Rev D 3-25Message Audio Volume Level AdjustmentThe message audio volume was preset at the factory to a typical audio level. The level can be adjusted asfollows:1. Press the COM bezel key, followed by the MENU/ENTER key to display the com menu. Press theAUDIO line select key to display the volume adjustment window. The audio message (AMA) selectionwill be selected. Rotate the PWR/VOL knob or the small, inner knob to adjust the audio messagevolume level. The audio message level is displayed as a horizontal bar, showing the level from zero to100%.2. Press the MENU/ENTER key when done. Baro Correction PotentiometerThe CNX80 can receive baro correction from an external potentiometer. This check verifies that theCNX80 is receiving baro correction data from the altimeter. Ensure that the CNX80 is turned on. If thefollowing steps do not perform correctly, check the electrical connections and configuration setup.1. Check the baro correction using the Configuration page. This page is accessed by pressing the FN keytwice, causing the SYS smart key to be displayed. The SYS smart key is then pressed, followed bythe CNFG smart key, if necessary. The baro correction is the first item on the list (Baro Correct.).2. Verify that the baro correction decodes properly from 28.10 to 31.00 "Hg (952 to 1050 mB). The valuedisplayed on the CNX80 should be within ± 0.03 "Hg (±1 mB) of the altimeter setting. Air Data Computer, Altitude Encoder and Fuel Air/Data ComputerThe CNX80 can receive altitude or fuel/air data from an external source. This check verifies that theCNX80 is receiving data from these units. Ensure that the CNX80 and MX20 are turned on and in normalmode. If the following steps do not perform correctly, check the electrical connections and configurationsetup.NOTEFor dual CNX80 installations, this check must be performed for each CNX80. While thischeck is carried out, the other CNX80 must be turned off.1. Press the MAP bezel key and use the large, outer knob to select MAP 2.2. Press the MENU/ENTER key to display the line select key functions, and repeatedly press the MOREline select key until the NAV DATA line select key legend is displayed.3. Press the NAV DATA line select key to display nav data in the window on the left.4. The ALT field will display the baro-corrected altitude. If the ALT field is not displayed, press theSEL DATA line select key and use the small, inner knob to select the ALT field for display and pressMENU/ENTER when the appropriate field is selected. Verify that this altitude value is not dashedout, and that the altitude agrees with the altimeter (±125 ft).NOTEThe baro-correction that is set on the altimeter and CNX80 must be the same in order forthe displayed altitude values to agree.5. If fuel data is being provided to the CNX80, press the MENU/ENTER key to display the line selectkey functions, and repeatedly press the MORE line select key until the NAV DATA line select keylegend is displayed.