Garmin G3X Pilot’s Guide190-01115-00 Rev. G 293Integrated AutopilotSystemOverviewFlightInstruments EISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesIntegratedAutopilot Annun/Alerts Appendix IndexCOUPLED APPROACHNOTE: Configuration of a GNS 430 or GNS 530 is required for a coupled ILSapproach.The external navigator (GNS 430/530), G3X, and autopilot can be used to fly afull ILS approach with procedure turn, from the enroute environment to the missedapproach point.Setting up a coupled ILS approach:1) EXTERNAL NAVIGATOR: Ensure the ‘GPS’ indication is showing in thelower-left corner. If not, use the CDI Key.2) G3X: Ensure that GPS1 is the selected navigation source on the PFD orPFD Page (use the CDI SRC Softkey to cycle through external navigationsources if necessary).3) EXTERNAL NAVIGATOR: Select and activate the ILS approach using thePROC Key.4) G3X: From the PFD or PFD Page, press the HDG/ROLL Softkey to accessthe autopilot lateral modes and then press the AP NAV Softkey to activateGPS Mode. The autopilot should start navigating to the IAF (InitialApproach Fix).Navigation Softkeys5) EXTERNAL NAVIGATOR: Tune and identify the localizer frequency bypressing the VLOC Flip-flop Key. (Note: The external navigator should haveautomatically loaded the localizer frequency into the standby VLOC slot.)6) G3X: From the PFD or PFD Page, press the ALT/PTCH Softkey to access theautopilot pitch modes and then press the AP APPR Softkey to arm LOC andGS modes. Press the AP ALT Softkey. GPS Mode is now active and LOCMode is armed in the roll axis. ALT Mode is active and GS is armed in thepitch axis. The autopilot should now navigate the entire approach from theIAF (Initial Approach Fix) to the MAP (Missed Approach Point) with the onlyadjustment being the throttle.