Post-Installation Configuration & Checkout3-36 560-0982-01 Rev L GNS 480 (CNX80) Installation Manual3. Air Data Computer, Altitude Encoder,Fuel Sensor and Fuel Air/Data ComputerThe GNS 480 can receive altitude or fuel/air data from an external source. This check verifies that theGNS 480 is receiving data from these units. Ensure that the GNS 480 and MX20/GMX 200 are turned onand in normal mode. If the following steps do not perform correctly, check the electrical connections andconfiguration setup.NOTEFor dual GNS 480 installations, this check must be performed for each GNS 480. Whilethis check is carried out, the other GNS 480 must be turned off.3. Press the MAP bezel key and use the large, outer knob to select MAP 2.4. Press the MENU/ENTER key to display the line select key functions, and repeatedly press the MOREline select key until the NAV DATA line select key legend is displayed.5. Press the NAV DATA line select key to display nav data in the window on the left.6. The ALT field will display the baro-corrected altitude. If the ALT field is not displayed, press theSEL DATA line select key and use the small, inner knob to select the ALT field for display and pressMENU/ENTER when the appropriate field is selected. Verify that this altitude value is not dashedout, and that the altitude agrees with the altimeter (±125 ft).NOTEThe baro-correction that is set on the altimeter and GNS 480 must be the same in order forthe displayed altitude values to agree.7. If fuel data is being provided to the GNS 480, press the MENU/ENTER key to display the line selectkey functions, and repeatedly press the MORE line select key until the NAV DATA line select keylegend is displayed.8. Press the SEL DATA line select key and use the use the small, inner knob to select the FUEL FLOWfield for display and press MENU/ENTER when the appropriate field is selected. Verify that this fuelflow value is not dashed out, and that the fuel flow agrees with the corresponding instrument. MX20/GMX 200 Display CheckoutThe GNS 480 can transmit flight plan data to the MX20/GMX 200 (and baro-correction if the GNS 480 isreceiving baro-correction from an altimeter). If the MAPMX interface is used, the MX20/GMX 200 cantransmit baro-correction to the GNS 480. This check verifies that the units are communicating. Ensurethat the GNS 480 and MX20/GMX 200 are turned on and in normal mode. If the following steps do notperform correctly, check the electrical connections and configuration setup.NOTEWhen connecting a GNS 480 to the MX20/GMX 200 the recommended interface protocolis bi-directional MAPMX, since additional functionality is provided. The MAPMXprotocol is only supported in MX20 version 5.0 or later. If it is desired to use a version4.x or earlier MX20, the interface should be set to MAPCOM (this is auni-directional interface, and data is only provided from the GNS 480 to the MX20/GMX200).MAPCOM Interface (use only for MX20 version 4.x or earlier):1. Check the System Info page on the MX20 to verify that the data is available to each port and that it isbeing processed properly.2. Load a flight plan into the GNS 480 and verify that the flight plan is displayed on the MX20 on theFPL page.