Troubleshooting4-2 560-0982-01 Rev L GNS 480 (CNX80) Installation ManualTable 4-1. Troubleshooting GuideProblem Possible Cause SolutionThe sidetone level istoo low or too high.• Wrong type of headsets, or levelneeds adjustment.• If necessary, adjust the sidetone level.Sidetone adjustment is found under theAUDIO menu in the COM function.Unable to control NAVusing VOR bezel key.• No power to the nav receiver. • Make sure power is connected to the nav37-pin connector P7-1 and ground to P7-2.OBS Resolver won’tcalibrate.• Incompatible resolver or improperconnection.• Check the resolver specifications andwiring.• GNS 480 resolver input notconfigured correctly.• Check resolver configuration in GroundMaintenance ModeOBS indication onGNS 480 does notagree with OBS setting • Resolver has not been calibrated. • Calibrate resolver• Message audio volume level set toolow• Increase AMA volume level. AMAadjustment is found under the AUDIOmenu in the COM function.• Message tone is turned OFF. • Turn message tone ON via systemconfiguration page.GNS 480 MessageAudio or Tone notheard• Audio inhibit line grounded • Verify that inhibit input (P5-77) is notgrounded using Ground MaintenanceMode.• SL70/SL70R transponder is notturned on.• Turn on transponder• SL70 is not configured correctly. • Go to serial port setup page and verifythat RS-232 port 6 has SL70 set for bothCH 6 RX and CH 6 TX.Unable to controltransponder usingXPDR bezel key.• Wiring connections are incorrect. • Check wiring.• Incorrect configuration used forserial port to MX20/GMX 200.• Go to serial port setup page and verifythat RS-232 port 1 has MAPMX set forboth CH 1 RX and CH 1 TX (onlyMX20 version 5.x or later supports theMAPMX protocol).• MX20 software prior to v5.x. • Update MX20 software.GNS 480 not receivingbaro correction datafrom MX20/GMX 200.• Wiring connections are incorrect. • Check wiring• The GNS 480 is not configuredcorrectly.• Go to serial port setup page and verifythat RS-232 port to SL30 is set to SL30on RX and MAPCOM on TX.DST data (Distance,Speed, Time) is notdisplayed on the SL30.• The SL30 is not set up for DSTdisplay.• Consult SL30 users guide for setup ofDST display.