Installation ProceduresGNS 480 (CNX80) Installation Manual 560-0982-01 Rev L 2- NAV I/O Connector (P7)A navigation I/O connector, which handles VHF NAV / GPS switching, resolver and main CDI/VDIinterfaces, is located vertically on the left side of the rear panel. The NAV I/O hooks internally to theVHF NAV board and consists a standard 37-pin D-sub connector, and has a pinout similar to the SL30VHF NAV unit for simpler field upgrading. The pinout for the connector is defined in the following table.Table 2-8. NAV I/O Connector Pin-Out (P7)Pin # I/O Name Description Reference1 I Power + Main Aircraft Power Input (+10 to +36 VDC) 2.8.12 I Power ground Main Aircraft Power Ground3 O Spare ground No current assignment4 -- RESERVED RESERVED5 -- RESERVED DB30 TxD RESERVED (for use with the DB30) -- RESERVED RESERVED7 I OBS_ D {S1} OBS Resolver input pin from channel D (COS) 2.8.28 I Main CDI Select In Selects between GPS & VHF NAV on Main CDI Output O Main GS Superflag Glideslope Indicator Valid flag output (high-level ) 2.8.210 O Main CDI + Valid NAV Valid flag output (low-level)11 O Main CDI + FROM + From flag output12 O Main CDI + TO + To flag output13 O Main CDI + Right CDI + Right output14 O Main CDI + Left CDI + Left output15 O Back Course Out active low output when reverse sensing is engaged O OBS_ F {S4} OBS OBS Resolver input pin from channel F (SIN) 2.8.217 O GPS Indicator Out active low output when GPS selected on Main CDI output O NAV Indicator Out active low output when VHF NAV selected on Main CDIout19 O Composite Out VOR/LOC composite signal 2.8.420 O NAV Audio Ground audio signal ground pin -- RESERVED RESERVED22 -- RESERVED RESERVED23 O NAV Audio Out low-level nav audio output O OBS_H {R HI} OBS Resolver output pin to channel H 2.8.225 O OBS_C {R LO} OBS Resolver return signals C26 I OBS_E {S3} OBS Resolver return signals E27 O Main CDI Superflag CDI high-level Valid flag output28 O Main GS + Valid NAV Valid flag output (low-level )29 O Main CDI - Valid NAV Valid flag signal ground30 O Main GS + Up Glideslope + Up output31 O Main GS + Down Glideslope + Down output32 O Main GS - Valid Glideslope Valid flag signal ground33 O ILS Energize active low output when a localizer frequency is tuned O OBS_G {S2} OBS Resolver return signals G 2.8.235 -- RESERVED RESERVED36 O Power Control Out power control output sinks up to 50ma when unit is on O Composite Ground return path for the composite signal 2.8.4(see Figure 2-8 for a diagram of a 37-pin connector)