Installation ProceduresGNS 480 (CNX80) Installation Manual 560-0982-01 Rev L 2-13Figure 2-4. Typical Mounting Rack2.6.1.3 Mounting Tube Cable RoutingAfter the cable assemblies are made and wiring installed to the mounting tube back plate, route wiringbundle as appropriate.Use tie wraps to secure the cable assemblies and coax to the holes provided in the bottom of the connectorplate to provide strain relief for the cable assemblies. The cable shields should be grounded directly to alug mounted to one of the holes on the bottom of the connector plate, keeping the ground leads to amaximum of 3 inches long.2.6.2 Unit InsertionPosition the cam lock as shown below. The front lobe of the cam should be vertical. The cam lockmechanism should be fully unscrewed (turned counter-clockwise). Slide the unit into the frame. Turnclockwise and carefully tighten (15 in-lb max.) the cam lock mechanism using a 3/32" hex driver. Theunit will be pulled into the frame, securing the unit and connectors when fully engaged. Do NOTovertighten. The back of the bezel must be flush to the mounting tube (within 0.020"). If the cam lock ishard to turn or the unit does not seat fully, the unit is probably binding and the mounting tube should bechecked.