Before You InitializeTake the GPS 38 outside and find a large, open area (trya nearby park) that has a clear view of the sky from horizonto horizon. Hold the receiver at a comfortable height, atarm’s length from your body with the built-in antenna (thetop part above the display) parallel to the ground.Do your best to stay away from buildings or otherstructures that could block the path of signals to thereceiver. GPS signals do not travel through rocks,mountains, buildings, metal surfaces or other signifi-cant structures.To turn the GPS 38 on:1. Hold the unit so the built-in antenna (the flat area abovethe display) is parallel to the ground.2. Press and hold B until the receiver turns on.The welcome page will be displayed while the unit con-ducts a self test. Once testing is complete, the welcomepage will be replaced by the Satellite Page, with the EZinitprompt ready for you to select one of two initializationmethods:• Select Country— allows you to initialize the receiverby selecting your present position from a list of coun-tries in the GPS 38’s internal database. Usually pro-vides a position fix in a few minutes.• AutoLocateTM— allows the GPS 38 to initialize itselfand calculate a position fix without knowing yourpresent position. Usually provides a position fix in7.5-15 minutes.If the EZinit prompt has not automatically appearedon the Satellite Page:1. Press the E key.If you’ve already initialized the GPS 38 and the EZinitprompt appears, highlight the ‘NO RE-INIT’ selection withthe arrow keypad and press E. The EZinit prompt mayappear if you’ve had the unit on in normal mode whileindoors, or if the antenna is shaded while acquiring satel-lites in normal or battery saver mode.Hold the receiver so thebuilt-in antenna is parallelto the ground.Welcome PageGETTINGSTARTED7!#Powering Up