Satellite PageThe GPS 38 Satellite Page displays the status of variousreceiver functions. The status information will help youunderstand what the GPS is doing at any given time, andtell you whether or not the receiver has calculated a posi-tion fix.Sky View & Signal Strength BarsThe sky view and signal strength bars give you an indi-cation of what satellites are visible to the receiver, whetheror not they are being used to calculate a position fix, andthe signal quality. The sky view in the center of the pageshow’s a bird’s eye view of the position of each satellite rela-tive to the receiver’s last known position. The outer circlerepresents the horizon; the inner circle is 45º above thehorizon; and the center point is a position directly overyour head.When the receiver is looking for a particular satellite,the corresponding signal strength bar will be blank and thesky view indicator will remain highlighted in reverse video.Once the receiver has found the satellite, a hollow signalstrength bar will appear, indicating that the satellite hasbeen found and the receiver is collecting data from it. Thesatellite number in the sky view will also change fromreverse video to normal presentation. As soon as the GPS38 has collected the necessary data to use the satellite forpositioning, the hollow bar will become solid.Satellites in view but notcurrently in use (03 & 17)will be displayed in reversevideo, with the correspond-ing signal strength bar “hol-low”.Once a satellite in view isusable for positioning, thesatellite number will changefrom reverse video and thesignal strength bar willbecome solid.REFERENCESatellite PageOverview17StatusBatteryIndicatorSatelliteSky ViewHorizontalAccuracySignal StrengthIndicatorsSatelliteNumber