Using the Compass PageThe GPS 38’s Compass Page provides graphic steeringguidance to a destination waypoint. The bearing (BRG) anddistance (DST) to the waypoint are displayed at the top ofthe page, right below the destination waypoint field. Thedistance displayed is always the straight line distance fromyour present position to the destination waypoint. Thebearing indicates the exact compass heading from you tothe destination.The middle of the page features a rotating “compass” thatshows your current heading while you’re moving (desiredtrack up), with a pointer arrow in the center. The arrow showsthe direction of your destination from the direction you aremoving. If the arrow points any direction other than up (left,right, down, etc.), turn toward the arrow until it points upand then continue in that direction.The bottom of the Compass Page displays your currenttrack (TRK) and speed (SPD) over the ground, while the CDI(course deviation indicator) scale shows how far you are offcourse. The diamond in the center of the CDI scale representsyour present position, while the d-bar (the moving verticalline on the scale) indicates the direction and distance you areoff the desired straight line course.To stay on course, steer toward the d-bar until it is cen-tered on the position diamond. The default setting of the CDIscale is +/- 0.25 miles, with each mark representing 0.05 milesof course deviation. If you do get off course by more than theselected scale, an arrow prompt will appear at the end of thescale to indicate the direction you are off course. When youare one minute away from the destination (based on your cur-rent speed and track over the ground), the GPS 38 will alertyou with a flashing on-screen message box.In this example, theCompass Page indicatesthat you are traveling in anorthwest (305º) directionand the destination way-point is southwest (252º) ofyour current direction oftravel.In this example, theCompass Page indicatesthat you are traveling in awesterly (255º) directionand the destination way-point is slightly northwest(286º) of your currentdirection of travel.REFERENCECompass Page38Bearing toWaypointPointer toWaypointSpeed OverGroundDestinationWaypointTrack OverGround CDIScaleDistance toWaypointGraphicCompass