To create a route from the route definition page:1. Highlight the route number field and press E.2. Enter a route number and press the E key to confirm.3. Press E to begin entry of a route comment. (Note thatthe default (first and last waypoint) comment will onlyappear if the comment field is blank).4. Enter your comment and press the E key.5. Highlight the No. 1 waypoint field and press E.6. Enter the first waypoint of your route and press E .7. Continue entering the rest of your waypoints in order,using the E key to start and confirm each field entry.The list will automatically scroll down as needed.8. After you have entered all your waypoints, press P.Copying and Clearing RoutesThe route definition page is also used to copy a route toanother route number. This feature is useful when youmake changes to the active (or TracBack) route and want tosave the route for future use.To copy a route:1. Highlight the route number field and press E.2. Enter the route number to be copied and press E.3. Highlight the ‘COPYTO’ field and press E.4. Scroll through the available routes and select a destinationroute number. Only open routes will be available as choic-es. Press the E key to copy the route.5. Press the P key to return to the Menu Page.To clear a route from memory:1. Highlight the route number field and press E.2. Enter the route number and press E .3. Select the ‘CLR?’ prompt and press E.Enter each waypoint in theorder you would like to nav-igate them. If you enter awaypoint not stored inmemory, you’ll need todefine the position on thewaypoint definition page.To copy a route, select anopen storage route andpress the ENTER key. If youselect a route that is alreadyused, you’ll be alerted withan ‘Route Full’ message.REFERENCECreating,Copying &Clearing Routes33