Going To a WaypointOnce you’ve stored a waypoint in memory, you can usethe GPS 38 to guide you to it by performing a simpleGOTO. A GOTO is really nothing more than the receiverdrawing a straight line course from your present position tothe destination you’ve selected. To see how it works, let’stry navigating back to our starting position, the HOMEwaypoint.To select a GOTO destination:1. Press the G key.2. The go to waypoint page will appear, displaying all thewaypoints in memory in alphabetical order.3. Use U or D to highlight the ‘HOME’ waypoint.4. Press the E key to confirm that you want to navigateto the displayed waypoint.Compass PageWhenever you select a destination waypoint, the GPS38 will provide graphic steering guidance with theCompass Page. As you begin walking again, the CompassPage will display nav data and graphic steering guidance tothe destination. The bearing (BRG) and distance (DST) tothe waypoint are displayed at the top of the page, rightbelow the destination waypoint field. The distance dis-played is always the straight line distance from your presentposition to the destination waypoint. The bearing indicatesthe exact compass heading from you to the destination.The GOTOwaypoint pageallows you to select yourdestination from a list of allavailable waypoints in theGPS 38’s memory.Once a GOTO is activated,the GPS 38 will providesteering guidance to the des-tination until the GOTO iscancelled. To cancel aGOTO, highlight the cancelprompt at the bottom of thepage and press ENTER.GETTINGSTARTEDGoing To AWaypoint13Speed OverGroundDestinationWaypointTrack OverGroundGraphicCompass Ring