GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference 190-00140-60 Rev. E6-6SECTION 6WPT PAGESAdjusting the range of the map image:1) Press the down arrow of the RNG Key todisplay a smaller map area.2) Press the up arrow of the RNG Key to displaya larger map area.The following descriptions and abbreviations are usedon the Airport Runway Page:• Type - Usage type: Public, Heliport, Military, orPrivate• Surface - Runway surface types include: Hard,Turf, Sealed, Gravel, Dirt, Soft, Unknown, orWater• Lighting - Runway lighting types include: NoLights, Part Time, Full Time, Unknown, orFrequency (for pilot-controlled lighting)6.4 AIRPORT FREQUENCY PAGEThe Airport Frequency Page displays radio frequenciesand frequency types for the selected airport, as well assector and altitude restrictions (where applicable). Ifthe selected airport has an ILS approach, the localizerfrequency(ies) are also listed on the Airport FrequencyPage (Figure 6-12). COM and VLOC frequencies are forreference only.Figure 6-12 Airport Frequency PageAirport Identifier,Symbol, and Type FrequencyFrequency TypeScrollBarUsage RestrictionsInformation Number of Pages inCurrent Page GroupPosition ofCurrent Pagewithin CurrentPage GroupCurrent PageGroupScrolling through the frequency list:1) Press the small right knob to activate thecursor.2) Turn the large right knob to scroll through thelist (Figure 6-13). If there are more frequenciesin the list than can be displayed on the screen,a scroll bar (Figure 6-12) along the right-handside of the screen indicates the cursor’s positionwithin the list.