GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference190-00140-60 Rev. E 10-11SECTION 10ADDITIONAL FEATURES10.2 WEATHER DATA LINK INTERFACEThis section is written for:• Garmin GPS 400 Main System Software Version5.01 and later• GDL 49 Main Software Version 2.03 and later• GDL 69/69A Main Software Version 2.14 and laterSome differences in operation may be observed whencomparing the information in this manual to earlier orlater software versions.NOTE: This section is written exclusively forGPS 400 units that are configured with the GDL49 or GDL 69(A) Data Link Satellite Receiver.Refer to the 400/500 Series Display InterfacesPilot’s Guide Addendum (190-00140-10) wheninterfacing with non-Garmin products.IntroductionGPS 400 units can interface with the GDL 49 or theGDL 69/69A. The GPS 400 unit provides the display andcontrol interface for the textual and graphical weatherdata link.Satellite up-linked textual and graphical weatherdata is received by the GDL 49 on a request/reply basis.Transmissions are made using bursts of compresseddata at a rate of 4800 bps. Weather data transmissionsare streamed directly to the GDL 69/69A from the XMSatellite Radio network.The following operational differences are notedbetween the GDL 69/69A and the GDL 49:• GDL 49 - NEXRAD and METAR data is collectedby the National Weather Service and disseminatedto Meteorlogix™, a weather information provider.This data is then delivered to a weather serverin the Echo Flight Message System. Withthe weather data on the system, an incomingcustomer request is filled, logged, and turnedaround for delivery to ORBCOMM in less thanfive seconds (ORBCOMM is a provider of globalmessaging services using a constellation of 26low-Earth orbiting satellites). The message isrelayed from the satellites to the GDL 49 aboardthe aircraft. Once the GDL 49 receives themessage, it is displayed on the GPS 400 unit.• GDL 69/69A - NEXRAD and METAR datais collected by the National Weather Serviceand disseminated to WxWorks™, a weatherinformation provider. This data is then deliveredto XM Satellite for rebroadcast. Data from twoXM satellites is then made immediately availableto XM customers. The GDL 69/69A receivesstreaming weather data, processes the data, thensends it to the GPS 400 unit for display.Functions provided by the Weather Data Link systeminclude:• Request for and display of NEXRAD radarimagery.• Request for and display of text-based METARdata.• Request for and display of a compressed form ofMETAR data that allows icon representations atreporting stations on a moving map indicatingvisibility, ceiling, etc.• Position tracking services are provided throughperiodic position report transmissions from theGPS 400 unit (available with GDL 49 only).