The GPSMAP 185 Sounder uses three range modes: auto, manual, and window.Auto mode displays the most information possible while continuously showingthe bottom. Manual mode lets you select the displayed depth. Window modeallows you to define a starting depth and length of the range window. You mayswitch between auto and manual modes by using the R keypad. Window rangemode, however, must be activated from the sounder options menu (see page 31).To switch from auto to manual mode:1. Press the R keypad up or down until the desired depth range is displayed on thedepth scale at the right side of the page.2. Press T to confirm the selected range.To switch from manual to auto mode:1. Press the R up or down and hold it until you hear a repeated beep. ëAutoí will bedisplayed in the function field at the top right corner of the page.2. Press T.The underwater waypoint feature marks a waypointís position and its depth.This makes it easier to find and use an object such as a stump for a future fishinglocation.To mark an underwater waypoint:1. Press T to pause the screen movement.2. Use the R keypad to move the cursor onto the target (underwater drop off,stump, etc.) you want to mark. A data field will appear with the cursorís depth andbearing and distance from your current position.3. Press T. A waypoint page will appear with the waypointís coordinates, defaultthree-digit name, and depth.4. Enter any waypoint information such as name, comment, etc., and press T.5. When finished, press Q or T.A. When switching between auto and manualmodes, the range scale will be highlighted.B. The digital depth of the waypoint is cap-tured with the underwater waypoint func-tion.8GETTING STARTEDSounder PageA B