RoutesThe last way to navigate to a destination is to create a user-defined route. TheGARMIN GPSMAP 185 Sounder system lets you create and store up to 20reversible routes (numbered 1-20), with up to 30 waypoints each. Routes can becreated and modified right from the map page, allowing you to see each routegraphically on-screen as you create, review, modify or navigate the route. All ofthe GPSMAP 185 Sounderís route functions are accessed through the main menu.To create a route graphically:1. Press the O key twice to display the main menu page.2. Highlight the ëRoutesí field and press T. The routes page will appear, showing all theroutes currently stored in memory.3. Press the O key to display the route options page.4. Press T to select the ëCreate New Routeí option.The route edit page will appear, with the cursor displayed as an arrow pointer,and will allow you to select your route waypoints using one of two methods:5. To add an existing waypoint or navaid to the route, use the arrow pointer to highlight thedesired waypoint on screen and press T.6. To add a new waypoint to the route, use the arrow pointer to select the desired mapposition and press T. Press T again to confirm the new waypoint.As you add each new waypoint to the route, the data window at the top of themap display will show the route number you are creating, along with the first andlast route waypoints of the route. A route line will appear on the map to indicateeach completed leg, and a dotted line will appear to indicate the distance andbearing to the arrow pointer from the last route waypoint.7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have finished defining all route waypoints.8. Press Q to finish and enter review mode, or J to return to the main pagesequence.62SECTION9 ROUTESCreating a RouteGraphicallyA BA. The route options page provides access to theGPSMAP 185 Sounderís route functions.B. Use the arrow pointer and EDIT/ENTER to addwaypoints to the route. The create waypointpage will appear whenever you have selected aposition that is not already stored as a way-point.